Without a doubt, Roblox has to be one of the most diverse gaming platforms ever conceived. If you’re looking for complexity, it’s there. If you want something simple, you’ve got it. Find The Markers Roblox is more of the latter, and it’s wonderful in its simplicity. In this guide, I’ll show you how to Get Lucky Marker in Find The Markers Roblox.
How To Get Lucky Marker
Now, in order to get the Lucky Marker in Find The Markers, you’ll need to enter The Leprechaun’s Labyrinth, which I’ll show below:

Now, I’m going to be honest with you, it can get pretty confusing. However, there’s a little secret to this Labyrinth. First off, I’ll need you to hug the left wall and keep following it until you reach the first corner. Once you reach the point below, you’ll want to cut across and enter the path to the right.
SIDE NOTE: We have a guide which covers all the Major March Markers – as well as the Fortune Halo! Make sure to check it out as well.

After this is yet another opening, into what looks to be multiple paths, but I’ll make it easier for you and point out where you need to go:

Once you’ve gotten through to this part, you’ll reach yet another junction, but I’m going to go ahead and make it easier for you — go right, and hug the left wall once again.

Confused yet? No worries, as we’re just about done. The next step involves choosing the last path when you reach this hall. Just follow the red string I’ve placed:

Almost there! All that’s left is to choose this path I’ve laid out:

After this, the hard part’s over! All you have to do now is just keep hugging the left wall and you’ll get to the marker in no time.

Ready for the secret?
The Labyrinth is confusing, but there’s absolutely no way you could’ve gotten lost — even if you didn’t do the steps earlier. All you have to do is hug the left wall, and you’ll eventually reach the Lucky Marker.
They try to confuse you with this path and that path, but honestly, there is no wrong answer. All you have to do is hug the left path (if it’s a dead end, keep hugging the left side). It’s almost like you’re painting a path all the way through one side of the Labyrinth. You can even do it as Ice Spice if you like!
If you get lost…
As I said, hop onto the leftmost path and follow where it leads. That’s How to Get Lucky Marker!
While you’re here: Wanna learn how to be tiny on Roblox? Why not have a look?