To be able to free the Carts from the Encampment questline you are going to need to actually find them first and then they will make their way to where they need to go.
In this guide, we shall show you everything that you need to do to make this possible. Let’s get started and point you in the right direction.
Hogwarts Legacy – Free the Carts from the Encampment Guide

This is the map location of where you need to come to be able to find the Carts and then be able to free them.
They will be inside the compound and then behind the wooden gate that you can open on the side.

Behind the gate, you shall see the carts. Now just walk on next to them and they will begin to make their way to the target where you need to go.
Once you’ve passed all of them, simply go back to where you have taken the quest and it will be complete.
We hope that this guide has helped you out with what you need to do in order to make this quest possible and successful. Have fun doing it yourself!
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