Welcome to Frozen City, a world trapped in an Ice Age where survival is key. In this challenging game, you’ll need a team of powerful heroes to overcome the obstacles and save the survivors. But with so many heroes to choose from and various ways to obtain them, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Fear not, as this hero guide will help you navigate the world of Frozen City and lead you to victory.
Hero Guide | Frozen City
There are numerous ways you can collect Heroes in Frozen City. You can get them free, buy them, or do tasks. Before anything else, let’s get to know the Frozen City Heroes you’ll soon collect. We have Rare and Epic heroes that you’ll be encountering in the game.

Below is a list of Rare Heroes who may not be that strong but are very useful in building and production.
- Aiden
- Albert
- Andrew
- Dr. Lee
- James
- Omar
- Robert
- Stella
- Gianluca
Next, we have Frozen City’s Epic Heroes, which can sometimes be hard to obtain in common chests.
- Arthur
- Carlos
- Charlotte
- Eddie
- Elizabeth
- Faris
- Issac
- Joseph
- Louis
- Olivia
- Pablo
- Quinna
- Ren
- Sophia
- Tony
With a total of 24 heroes available in Frozen City, it can be overwhelming to keep track of them all. Luckily, the Heroes section is organized into three categories: Collected, To Be Collected, and Locked.
Collected heroes are the ones you’ve already obtained, while To Be Collected heroes are connected to buildings you’ve unlocked but haven’t acquired yet. Locked heroes are those you haven’t received, along with buildings you have yet to construct. By understanding these categories, you can easily manage your hero collection and progress through the game.
Frozen City Hero Roles
Frozen City Heroes are divided into three roles: Damage, Support, and Tank. Each role has its unique abilities and playstyle, making them essential for success in Fighting and Adventure modes. Depending on the Hero and their skills, you can place them in the front or back row.

- Damage Heroes: These Heroes excel in dealing damage to foes. They can be placed in either the front or back row, depending on their abilities and your strategy.
- Support Heroes: These Heroes can heal teammates, weaken adversaries, and fortify allies. They are best placed in the back row to maximize their effectiveness.
- Tank Heroes: Tanks are perfect for the front row. They can absorb a lot of damage while keeping their allies safe.
How to Obtain Heroes
Now, let’s talk about how to obtain Heroes in Frozen City. There are several ways to get new Heroes, depending on your preference.

- Free Chests: The game gives you a Free Chest every eight hours and an extra one after playing a video ad. These chests can give you new Heroes, resources, and other rewards.
- Shop Chests: You can purchase Rare Chests and Golden Chests from the shop. Rare Chests cost 350 gems and give you three Heroes, while Golden Chests cost 800 gems and give you seven Hero cards. If you’re looking for Epic Heroes, it’s best to choose the Rare Chests, as they offer better value for your gems.
- Task Chests: Completing certain tasks can reward you with Wooden, Common, or Rare Chests. These chests can contain new Heroes, gems, and other rewards.
- Completed Tasks Rare Chest: Each city you build has a set of tasks you need to finish. When you complete all the tasks, you’ll receive a Rare Chest as the ultimate prize. This is an excellent way to obtain a missing Hero you need for that city.
- Special Packs: Special Packs are available in the shop for specific prices. They offer an easy way to get a Hero, but they can be expensive. Keep in mind that gems, blazing stars, and other resources are also included in the packs.
- Special Events: Participating in Special Events like Fish Farming, Grandpa’s Farm, and The Last Autumn can grant you golds, Hero cards, and Rare Chests. These events have milestones that reward you with free Golden Chests, Rare Chests, and Epic Cards.
Remember to open chests, complete tasks, and participate in Special Events to obtain new Heroes. Upgrading your Heroes and equipment is also essential for success in Frozen City. With patience and determination, you can survive the Ice Age and save numerous Survivors for a better future.
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