Most games these days have huge maps that you can explore and find all sorts of things. From enemies to quests and everything in between developers often fill them up with content. Sometimes they even add new areas of the map in new updates.
In Fruit Battlegrounds, there is a new area in the game called “Whole Cake.” It’s a place where you can fight the new boss in the game as well, so most players want to know where to find it!
In this guide, we’ll show you where to find the Whole Cake World in Fruit Battlegrounds. It’s very easy to get there and all you need to have is a level requirement!
How To Get Whoke Cake World Location
If there’s one thing, I know about Roblox developers is that they seem to not like adding in-game maps to their games. If they do it’s usually convoluted, annoying to use, or downright useless. Fruit Battlegrounds may only have two maps in the game, but it can be confusing to go through them.
The recent update for Fruit Battlegrounds added the Soul Fruit as well as the Whole Cake world to the game. To go to Whole Cake World, you’ll want to start at the spawn point in Dressrosa. From there, look face the Colosseum and head to the right as shown below.

Follow the wall to the right until you see the bridge as shown below. Continue following the wall turning to the right corner again.

There, you’ll find an NPC that might be familiar to veteran players. It’s the NPC Kuma and when you talk to him, he can send you to the Whole Cake World.

You’ll need to have a fruit that is Level 100 or above to get there so keep that in mind. This is also the same NPC you go to head to Onigashima as well. To go to Onigashima,nthe developers have changed the minimum level to 200!
That’s how you can get to the Whole Cake World in Fruit Battlegrounds. Now, go out there and try to go there yourself!