Fruit Battlegrounds‘ newest Update comes with the addition of the third boss, which is the Big Mom Boss (Cake Queen). This Boss is an incredibly strong boss in the game with powerful attack moves and a high HP bar. This makes the boss very difficult to defeat in a short time frame.
Usually, you can join many different servers in the game and fight the boss along with other players. However, if you are looking for a more difficult challenge, you can try defeating the boss solo. In this guide, we will provide you with some tips that you can use to fight the Big Mom Boss (Cake Queen).
How To Solo Big Mom Boss Guide
The Big Mom Boss uses her Napoleon to attack in her first and second phases. She’s also called Cake Queen, and you can find her in Whole Cake World. She has a level one damage with Soul Fruit, just like Marco and Kaido.
Keep in mind that the Cake Queen will spawn every hour and will despawn after 18 minutes. This means that you’ll only have 18 minutes to defeat the boss before she despawns.
Since a full server can take you around 8 to 10 minutes to defeat the Big Mom boss, it can take you much longer if you decide to do it solo. Upon defeating the boss, you can have a chance of receiving the Physical Soul fruit (1% Drop chance, 2% with 2x Boss Drops).

To receive the Cake Queen Boss’ drops, you must do at least 1000 damage. The Big Mom Boss will give you at most 480 gems and 20000 EXP depending on your damage contribution in the boss fight.
To help you find the right fruit to fight the boss with, consider taking a look at this Best Fruit Tier List. Fruits that have a long-range attack allow you to attack the boss from afar. Some abilities also let you cast while airborne, and the boss is unable to reach you.

Before you decide to fight the Cake Queen boss, make sure you are already at max level (Lv. 300). Leveling Up can help you increase your stats before you fight the strong boss.
As you fight, only stay near the boss when you have your strongest abilities. If you don’t have them available (on cooldown), it is best to maintain a distance before you fight her again.
This is because the boss has multiple combos and attacks that can stun you and deal high damage. If you are not careful, you can potentially be defeated by the Cake Queen.

Those are some tips that you can apply to defeat the Big Mom Boss as a solo player in Fruit Battlegrounds. Usually, fights will last around 15-17 minutes, meaning that you’ll be able to beat the boss before the time runs out. Depending on your situation, you’ll want to react differently based on the boss’ moves!
To help you speed up some of your progress so you can fight the boss, try redeeming all the new codes for some extra rewards!