When starting new games, you will often feel overwhelmed by all of the selection of items will give you. You will select the items that you are familiar with, but then find out that those items don’t do very well. It’s normal, and sort of a lesson in the future when you continue playing the game.
However, you don’t have to make that mistake.
In this guide, we will show you the best-starting item that you can get in Fruit Warriors, so you won’t have to regret your choices and keep on playing.
Best Starting Item & How To Get It – Fruit Warriors
How to Get the Marine Cape

The best-starting item in Fruit Warriors is the Marine Cape.
This is an accessory that you can purchase from the Accessory Seller on South Hill. However, you will need a whopping 500,000 in-game cash to purchase it.
It may sound like a lot, but it’s actually quite easy to get ahold of this kind of money in the game.
The reason why the Marine Cape is the best starting item is because of its stats. You will get a 10% increase in your HP and a 15% increase in Stamina.
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