There is a notorious puzzle in Minacious Isle that lets you solve a countdown to open a chest or obtain a key. The quest is A Device Starts A Countdown Somewhere, and this countdown usually involves some jar that you need to destroy before the time countdown resets. Here is how to solve it!
A Device Starts A Countdown Somewhere Guide – Genshin Impact
There are at least four countdown puzzles that you can solve in the Minacious Isle. Two are jar puzzles to unlock the chest, the other is torch puzzle and a water puzzle.
First Countdown Puzzle
At the little island west of Minacious Isle you will encounter the jar puzzle that will start the “A device starts a countdown somewhere”. To solve this, simply destroy all the jars starting from the one above the chest on the ledge.
Second Countdown Puzzle
Located also on the same little island, destroy the first jar and start the countdown.
For this one, plunge to the water below and look for a rock that you can destroy.
After you destroy the first rock, the water will disappear, quickly go the rock near the chasm and destroy the other one. Once you are done, let the water bring you up and look around for a hidden chest.
Third Countdown Puzzle
This puzzle is encountered during Thus Was the Work Done quest in the main island of Minacious Isle. For this one ready a fire elemental character since you will need her/him to light a fire for the torch. Yanfei or Amber is a good character for this puzzle.
All you need to do is simply light all the torches around the area, and the chest will unlock.
Fourth Countdown Puzzle
Found in the center ruins of Minacious Isle, this one involves some jar to unlock a gate and a chest.
To solve this, simply destroy all the jars in the room and you will unlock the chest as well as the locked gate.
Hope this helps!
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