Genshin Impact Devantaka Mountain Phantasmal Gate Puzzle

Genshin Impact: Devantaka Mountain Phantasmal Gate Puzzle

Jon Suan
3 Min Read

In Genshin Impact you’ll find yourself in the Devantaka Mountain with a Phantasmal Gate, these are mini quests that can reward you a chest. Everyone loves chests filled with loot, specially Primogems! Puzzles like these are scattered all around the game and is a great way to make players explore the world while also giving them a chance to get stronger because of it. You’ll often find yourself going too far off places in Teyvat just to find some puzzle or chest to complete and in this guide, we’ll help you with one of them.

Devantaka Mountain Phantasmal Gate Puzzle Guide For Genshin Impact

In the Visudha field zone, you’ll find a Phantasmal Gate. These gates are challenges that you can solve to get rewards. Much like the puzzles and hidden chests all around Teyvat. Once you go near one for the first time, you’ll get a small text tutorial on how the Phantasmal Gates Operate.

Source: WoW Quests – YouTube

You can awaken the Phantasmal gates using the Vintage Lyre. Activating it will give you a small minigame where you need to play the notes at the top of the screen. Basically, you need to choose the corresponding note buttons at the bottom. For this Phantasmal Gate we’ll need the top bar and choose: Fa – Mi – So – Fa – Do, in that order.

Source: WoW Quests – YouTube

As for the challenge, all you need to do is follow the route marked by waypoints. Collect the little floating Phantasmal seeds along the way. There is a timer though so watch out for that. Getting hit by enemies will lower the timer while getting Phantasmal seeds will increase it. The route is fairly easy to follow and the seeds aren’t hidden. You can easily ignore the enemies since you can outrun most of them.

Source: WoW Quests – YouTube

Along the way you’ll see these Phantasmal Flowers. These flowers will have an aura and if you step in that aura, enemies will forget you were there. If you hit them with Electro they’ll make the Phantasmal seeds nearby for you to take so keep that in mind.

Congratulations you now know how to do this Phantasmal Gate in Genshin Impact. Now go out there and collect all of that seed. Massive thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone how this gate works. If you need more information on the subject then check their video out here: Strange Arch Phantasmal Gate Puzzle Genshin Impact – YouTube

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An aspiring Game Journalist and Fiction writer.
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