
Genshin Impact: Find a Way to Open the Sealed Door | Road To Singularity

All 3 Sealed Doors in one guide!

Genshin Impact: Find a Way to Open the Sealed Door | Road To Singularity Featured Image

While doing the Road to Singularity quest in Genshin Impact 4.1, you’ll get an objective where you’ll need to “Find a way to open the sealed door.” There’s a lot of puzzles involved, and the thing is, there’s actually 3 sealed doors you’ll need to unlock. Now, that may seem bothersome but don’t worry, I got you covered. In this guide, I’ll show you how to open all 3 sealed doors!

Find a Way to Open the Sealed Door | Road To Singularity

After following the objective, you’ll be introduced to mechanisms and pipes. Most importantly, there will be a sealed door that you’ll be tasked to open.

In fact, there’s 3 of them. With that said, I’ll explain how to open every single one in-detail. Let’s jump right into it!

Sealed Door #1

NOTE: For this sealed door, you may want to check out a more concise version of this section in this Shut Off All Valves | Road To Singularity guide!

Start by jumping down the bottom of the area – there will be a sealed door, lots of terminals, a cage, and pipes. From here, go up the next level through this ladder shown below.

Sealed Door #1 Area

Then, make your way up by climbing through these big pipes as shown in the image below. From the pipes, jump down through this area with valves/handwheels.

Big Pipes

Now, if you read the friendly reminder on your left, it will say, “Closing all valves will activate the terminal and open the path.” This is exactly what you’ll be doing next.

In order to close them, rotate the left valve 2 times and the right valve once. If you do it right, they will lose the blue lights which indicates they are “closed.”

Close the Valves

Afterwards, make your way down and pick up the Pneuma Block on the southern part of the area, behind the pipes.

Pneuma Block

Then, use it and attack this terminal as shown in the image below to reveal an energized terminal.

Terminal for Energized Terminal

Next, place it on the cage with the handwheel and pick it up once the cage opens up.

Cage Handwheel for Valve

For the handwheel, you’ll have to “Install” it on the pipe just behind you. After that, you’ll have to rotate the valve 3 times.

This will let you control the regulating valve and activate the wind current terminal located right from the cage.

Valve Install

Next, pick up the energized terminal again and place in on the wind current terminal. This will give you the option to “Activate Wind Current.”, which you’ll need to activate later to proceed.

Wind Current Terminal

Now that the wind current is activated, jump and let the wind take you up. From here, look for the valve on the third level/platform of the area.

Rotate it 2 times to shut down the air current and unlock the sealed door terminal next to the door.

Valve for Sealed Door #1

Then, make your way back down and interact with the sealed door terminal to open the door. Watch out though, there will be a couple Mekas you need to defeat to proceed.

Afterwards, go inside the elevator and continue through the quest!

Open the Sealed Door #1 Road To Singularity

Sealed Door #2

As you progress through the quest, you’ll come across another sealed door. However, the mechanism for this one will be different from the first one.

There will be two gear terminals in here that you can interact with. When you use it, the giant gears in the area will rotate, stop or move.

Now, I’ll be honest with you. This one is a bit confusing. But no worries, the goal here is that you have to make both pipes line accordingly and connect.

I’ll provide steps on how you can solve this. I also suggest that you start at the left gear terminal first.

Sealed Door #2 Location Road To Singularity

Left Gear Terminal

NOTE: The right pipe can only be moved if the big gear is down, and the left pipe is aligned.

Keep this in mind when interacting with this puzzle, as there will be instances that you’ll only want to move either of them.

First, rotate the left pipe until you can move it. It will then align, which means you’ll be able to rotate the right pipe as well.

You’ll have to rotate until the right pipe reaches this lateral position as shown in the image below.

Sealed Door #2 Pipes

After that, move the left pipe back out again. You’ll also want to position it laterally similar to the right pipe. Once that’s done, simply move it back in and rotate until they both align correctly.

Pipes Lateral

Pipes Rotate to Align

Up next, there will be another gear terminal that you’ll have to fix as well.

Right Gear Terminal

For this gear terminal, it’s simple. You’ll have to move the big gear until you can move it. Once you’re able to do so, move it which will make it connect with the other big gear and pipe.

Right Gear Terminal Big Gear

Afterwards, rotate until the pipe aligns correctly. After fixing both pipes, a cutscene will play which will open up the sealed gate.

From here, follow the waypoint and proceed with the quest. There will be another sealed door that you’ll need to open, which is the last one.

Right Gear Terminal Rotate to Align

Sealed Door #3

For this sealed door, you’ll come across yet another room filled with gears and pipes. Interact with the terminal in the area.

From here, rotate until the middle pipe aligns correctly. Then, select move which will make the left pipe and gear go down.

Now, both the left and right pipe will be in place. In order to make them both align; you’ll simply have to keep rotating and they’ll eventually end up aligning correctly.

Sealed Door #3 Road to Singularity

And that’s how you open all the Sealed Doors in Genshin Impact’s Road to Singularity quest. Did you have fun tinkering with the puzzles? If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

ALSO READ: Genshin Impact: All Fontaine Local Legends Unique Monsters Locations


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