Genshin Impact’s world has always been large and full of secrets that allows players to explore and find treasures that you normally wouldn’t find unless you actually go out and explore. However, there are some treasures that cannot be found unless you do the quests for them. One such hidden treasure requires you to do a quest in order to find it, and it’s part of the newest update for Genshin Impact. In this guide, I will show you how you can find the location of the second hidden treasure.
Find The Location Of The Second Hidden Treasure Guide
There is a Teleport Waypoint in the Silver Bottle Courtyard that will take you near the starting area to find the hidden treasure. Open your map and select the Teleport Waypoint and head to the objective marker.

When you get to the objective marker, you will find the Choo Choo cart. Get inside the Choo Choo cart and just ride it until you reach the end of the cart ride.

The cart ride will stop at a cave. Go deep into the cave until you find what looks like a projection screen.

When you enter the room, you will see a box in front of the projection. Move the box, which also moves the box in the projection. Afterwards, interact with the projector to go inside the screen.

In the first level, you will need to climb up the box and jump to the ledge behind you. Afterwards, continue until you reach the glowing blue platform that will take you up. Keep going until you reach the portal.

In the next level, you can simply use the glowing blue platform to go and finish the level. But, you can take the platform until you can jump to the right side of the level and get the chest before going back and completing the level.

After completing it, you can then go to the shiny light that’s coming from the ground and dig up the treasure, which will complete the objective.

That’s all you need to know on how to complete the quest objective. Did this guide help you find the hidden treasure? Let us know in the comments below.
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