
Genshin Impact: Go to the Abandoned Production Zone Without Being Noticed

A stealth game session.

Genshin Impact: Go to the Abandoned Production Zone Without Being Noticed
Genshin Impact: Go to the Abandoned Production Zone Without Being Noticed

Genshin Impact was always a bit of stealth game, like when you have to “Go to the Abandoned Production Zone Without Being Noticed.” In this part of Unfinished Comedy is a tense stealth game where you have to avoid the guards in quite the open area. But don’t fret, we’re going to show how you can sneak through the guards and reach the Abandoned Production Zone to help Lanoire return to her home.

Prefacing this quest was several mini quests to gather coupons. If you’re stuck there, check this guide to get 300 Credit Coupons in the game.

Go to the Abandoned Production Zone Without Being Noticed

The quest immediately commences when you decide to leave Caterpillar’s room. Click on the quest navigator, then look to your left. Drop down from here and make sure to hug the wall to avoid the guard’s eyes.

Genshin Impact leaving Caterpillar's room to the elevator

Next up, you need to go to the elevator that’s being guarded. Use the spotlight behind you to distract him. Wait until he walks away on his own from the elevator, then run and activate it.

Down here, the security is tighter with multiple Mekas watching different angles. So don’t run out into the open. But slip past behind this Meka to your left, hiding behind the box immediately to cut line of sight from the one across.

Genshin Impact sneaking past the Gardemek and reaching the elevator

Interact with the Terminal viewfinder and grab the energy from the first Terminal. Switch POV with the viewfinder across you and charge the machine to activate the loudspeaker. Wait until the guard that was standing by to walk over to the loudspeaker before making your way to the lift.

You’ve now reached the Abandoned Production Zone without being noticed. And the quest continues to “Operate the Drive Valve to Open the Passage Leading to the Geode Mine Shaft.”

ALSO READ: Genshin Impact: Scenes from Life in Meropide: Safe Operation


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