In the new Desert area that just got introduced to Genshin Impact, you will be finding some very weird and secret things around the map. They are called Sacred Seals and are used to activate the temples around the map. In this guide, we will show you How to Use Them. let’s get started.
How To Use Sacred Seal – Genshin Impact
Sacred Seal Crocodile Head

You will need to proceed through all the dungeons here. You will deep inside the Mausoleum of the Desrhet. Just keep passing all the challenging that get thrown at you until you reach the very end of this temple. There will be a couple of Cells that you need to rotate in order for the final gate to open.

You will rotate the cells to be in this very same position. They will hit their laser beams on the gates. There will be a couple of gates. Open them all if you aren’t sure which to go first. But the one with the Sacred Seal on the right.
Then once you enter you will see a table in front of you. Walk up to it and you’ll pick up the Crocodile Sacred Seal.
Sacred Seal Valley

This is where you need to go in order to find the Sacred Seal. It is a very easy one to find. If you do not have a fast travel location unlocked, just walk through the Mausoleum of Deshret and follow all the tunnels that go underground.

While going through the tunnel you will find a very big gate. Enter the gate and as you go across the tunnel paths you will see the Sacred Seal sitting right next to one wall.
Sacred Seal Danger

This is exactly the same as the previous location shown in the previous one. Right here you will be inside the big open area that is all broken up. Then once here you will use the zap to get to the location shown in the picture above.
The Sacred Seal will be right inside the rubble. You will need to be climbing on it in order to pick it up.
Sacred Seal Sunrise

This is right under the Seal Danger one. Instead of using the zap and go up, you will jump down. Once down you will see a blue tent sitting on the bottom. You will walk up right next to it. Inside of the tent is where you’ll find the Sacred Seal Sunrise.
Sacred Seal Crocodile Head 2

This will be while you are inside the big cave opening. Use the first cave entrance that is right under you on the left. Then just keep following the path and you’ll get to an enemy camp. As shown in the picture above, you will take a right and then you’ll see the Sacred Seal.
Sacred Seal Thunderstrike

For this one, you will be literally in the same position as the previous one. You will get inside the enemy camp from the big cave opening inside by following the small cave opening. Then once at the enemy camp, you won’t go right, you will take a left. Keep following the path.

There will be a big hole on this road. Jump and get to the bottom of it. Just jump and while flailing you can actually see the Sacred Seal next to the wall in the rubble.
Restore Primal Obelisk
Now you must have all of the Sacred Seals, congratulations! Now it is finally up to use them all together.

You will enter this gate entrance. It will be at the bottom of the big wide open cave. Enter the gate and then proceed to walk through the road. You will take the first left road once inside. Once you go left there will be stairs that you need to follow up.
Now just keep following the road ahead until you get to the Cells. You will Rotate them both to be looking toward the gate in the middle. Once it opens you can get inside and find the Obelisk.

There will be enemies protecting this Obelsik so you will need to take them down. Just kill the enemies and then Interact with the Obelisk. You will need to place them inside all of the Sacred Seals that you have found.

Once you do that you will have used all of the Seals. Congratulations!
We hope that this guide was helpful and aided you in this difficult task. Have fun doing it on your own!
ALSO READ: Genshin Impact: The Dune of Magma Underground Teleport Waypoint