In the current event where you help manage a shop, you have to get funds to help the shop. To do that, you have to do some quests that you can only find in the Secure Funds menu of the event. Each of these quests will give you different types of quests to do, as well as different amounts of funds. The primary focus of this guide is the Mountain Mixologist quest. We will be covering how to complete this quest, so if you are having a hard time completing it, then this guide is for you.
Mountain Mixologist Guide – Genshin Impact

When starting Mountain Mixologist, you will have to go to the Qingce Village. Use the Teleport Waypoint to get there quickly.

Speak to Guanchui. He will then tell you that he needs 100 cases of Fruits of the Festival. He will give you the funds, and you will then have to go Springvale to place an order to an NPC named Georg.

Here, you will have to come up with an offer to barter for the 100 cases. Don’t go too low, because that will make the NPC be turned off from the deal. Don’t make it too high because it will affect your funds. Find a middle ground where both of you profit from it and make the deal.

Talk to Guanchui again and after a short conversation, the quest will be completed.
READ NEXT: Genshin Impact: Secure Funds Guide