Genshin Impact: Pardis Dhyai Sumeru Cave Gate Puzzle Guide

Genshin Impact: Pardis Dhyai Sumeru Cave Gate Puzzle Guide

Elijah Hernandez
5 Min Read

The world of Genshin Impact is full of puzzles and mysteries just begging to be solved and explored. It challenges you to find them, search for them using what little clues are left in the world. Then when you find the area, you are then challenged some more, to prove that you are worthy of the rewards that you have spent time searching for. However, people don’t have the time nowadays to do that, even before the internet was a thing. Guides are what help people do it fast, which is why you are here. Don’t worry, we got you with the Pardis Dhyai Sumeru Cave Gate Puzzle.

Pardis Dhyai Sumeru Cave Gate Puzzle Guide – Genshin Impact

To start, you need to head to this spot in the map. Refer to the picture above to see where you need to be.

Once at the location, you will have to go down the little waterfall into the cave system. Continue onwards until you reach a waterfall going up.

You will see Sumeru Mushrooms at the bottom of the waterfall and on platforms going up the waterfall. Use them to quickly get yourself up the waterfall.

Once you are past the waterfall, you will see a large room with two pathways. You will see that the path in front of you is blocked by some kind of barrier, so there is no way to go through there. Instead, you take the path to the right.

You will see an enemy keeping a floating spirit captive. Eliminate the enemy and free the spirit. Once freed, follow it.

The little spirit will lead you back to the large room previously, but it will go straight for the path blocked by the barrier.

Once it reaches the barrier, it will stop by the stone structure right next to it. It will eventually spawn a chest on the other side of the barrier, while also removing the red spell around the stone structure.

Once you’ve removed the red spell around it, you can now activate the stone structure. Use characters like Collei and hit the stone structure. This will take down the barrier, allowing you to go forward.

The next room is even larger than the last, with up to three floors. You will be able to go up a floor, or go down. Go down first and walk to the large hollow tree and stand in the middle.

You will have to do a mini game that unlocks a challenge, that you also have to do in order to unlock the barrier that’s preventing you from claiming your reward. The notes in the mini game that you need to click on are fa, mi, so, fa, do. Once you’ve finished the mini game, the tree trunk will start glowing.

Pass through the tree trunk and you will initiate the Trial of the Phantasmal Gate. This is the challenge you need to complete in order to unlock the barrier that’s keeping you from your reward. The goal of the trial is to collect 15 Phantasmal Seeds. They are all indicated by a bright light that shines bright.

Collect the ones at the bottom and then go up a floor to collect the ones there. Bear in mind that collecting each seed will increase your timer by 6 seconds, so you don’t have to worry too much about losing time. It’s not that hard to get them and they’re easy to spot.

Once you have all of the Phantasmal Seeds, go back to the tree trunk and offer them in front of it. This will take down the barrier, allowing you to progress. Continue forward until you finish your goal and you will have finished the Pardis Dhyai Sumeru Cave Gate Puzzle.

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Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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