The final chapter is well, the final chapter of the Agnihotra Sutra quest line. This is where the quest with Aragaru and Aranaga ends and is part of a long quest line involving a lot of fights, a lot of puzzles and a lot of new abilities that you could only do in this quest. It’s a great final hurrah for these new side characters that you meet and is also a great way to explore the new area around the quest. In this guide we’ll show you how to do the Final Chapter.
The Final Chapter Guide For Genshin Impact
The Final Chapter quest for the Agnihotra Sutra quest line starts with looking for Yajna grass with Aranaga. This involves a few fights, traveling and jumping on massive towering mushrooms to break a seal around the grass. This is much like the time you try to break the seal for the Barsam Flower in the previous quests. We have a whole guide on how to unlock the seal around the Yajna grass here: Genshin Impact: Use The Kusava To Break The Seal On The Yajna Grass.

Once you’ve done that part of the quest, you’ll need to go back to Aranaga’s little garden where you’ll plan the next part of the quest. You’ll then need to wait until ”the moon hangs high in the sky” so basically around 23:00 to 01:00, you can use the game’s wait function in the menu to advance time.
Continue the quest following the simple instructions until you’re tasked to go to Mawtiyima.

First Withering Infested Area
At this point you can now use all of your friends’ abilities to solve the puzzles in this final area. There are three areas that you need to clear the Withering and the right most one needs to be cleared using Aranakin’s Kusava with this object here:

And then Aragaru’s Kusava breaks the rock hiding the other object. Using both objects here will unlock the pod that can summon Dendrograna to clear the withering in that area.

Second Withering Infested Area

The next area is to the northwest, same idea as the first one. Use the right Kusava to unlock the pod and clear the area. The first object is easy to get to the second one is hidden in a hollow tree trunk filled with water. Use Aranaga’s Kusava to unlock this one.

After activating both stones use the Dendrograna to clear the second area, now off to the last one!
Third Withering Infested Area

The next and last one is a combination of the two. Use Aragaru’s Kusava to break the rock and use Aranaga’s Kusava to lift the platform.

Same idea as before, use the Dendrograna to clear the area of the Withering.
After finishing all areas you’ll get a cutscene and afterwards the quest will end!
Congratulations you now know how to do the Final Chapter of the Agnihotra Sutra quest line! Now go out there and try it yourself! Massive thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone how the quest works, if you need more information then check their video out here: The Final Chapter Genshin Impact – YouTube
READ NEXT: Genshin Impact: Use The Kusava To Break The Seal On The Barsam Flower Guide