Varesa Pre-Release Guide for Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact: Varesa Pre-Release Guide

*sigh* I guess I’ll bring out my wallet. Again.

Aaron Rabaya
13 Min Read

Genshin Impact’s newest unit enters the fray with an electrifying charm and a wallet-emptying character design. With Varesa coming to the game real soon, it’s only a matter of time before players will get the chance to test her capabilities as a fighter. So before you decide to spend your Fates on this cutie, let’s take a look at what she has to offer in this Varesa Pre-Release Guide for Genshin Impact! 

Varesa Pre-Release Guide 

Varesa is an upcoming five-star Electro character from the Collective of Plenty tribe. She is set to release sometime around March 26, 2025, along with other content when Version 5.5 rolls around. She’s a Hypercarry DPS and a unique damage dealer who specializes in powerful Plunging Attacks, making her a very exciting addition to the Genshin Impact roster.

Version 5.5 in Genshin Impact

Overview and Abilities

Elemental Skill

Her elemental skill has Varesa dash forward, which deals Electro damage. This will lead into the following actions:

  • For every successful use, she gains 20 Night Soul points and gain a follow-up strike effect which lasts for 5 seconds.
  • Her next Normal Attack becomes a Charged Attack. She will launch into the air and slam down on her enemies giving her an additional 25 Night Soul Points

Elemental Burst

This attack deals AoE Electro damage. When activated, this restores her Night Soul points to the maximum number and she enters her Fiery Passion state.

Fiery Passion

Once she reaches a maximum number of 40 Night Soul points, she enters two states called the Fiery Passion and Night Soul’s Blessing. This is where she becomes incredibly powerful. 

  • All her attacks, including Normal Attacks, increase in damage scaling. In this state, she gains a special version of her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst which she gains access to after doing a Plunge Attack. 
  • Holding the Elemental Skill will also let Varesa enter a sprinting state. This will significantly increase her movement speed, help her leap large distances, and run over water and challenging terrain.
  • When doing a Plunge Attack during this state, Varesa will transition to her Apex Drive. This lets her ignore the cooldown of her Elemental Burst—allowing her to cast mini Elemental Bursts that cost 30 Energy instead of the usual 70.

Passive Talents

Ascension 1

For 5 seconds after using a skill, the next Plunge Attacks shockwave damage will increase by 60% of her attack. If in Fiery Passion state, her attack will increase to 150%.  

Ascension 4

When Night Soul Burst is triggered, her attack will increase by 35% for 12 seconds. This effect can stack twice, with each stack duration counted independently. Because of this, she can gain a huge 60% Attack bonus, making her a fantastic team player. 

Talent Priority

Unlike more recent units, Varesa’s kit revolves around her dealing a lot of damage. You want to prioritize on both her Elemental Burst and Normal Attacks first. Leveling them up together as high as possible is most recommended when playing her. 

Casual Varesa in Genshin Impact

Varesa’s Combos

At first glance, you might think that Varesa’s kit is difficult to use. However, that is not the case. She is actually pretty easy to use mechanically. This is because her combos revolve around the use of only 3 buttons and very little dodging.

  1. Use her Elemental Skill to dash through enemies.
  2. Next, use her Charged Attack to launch her in the air.
  3. While airborne, use her Plunge Attack.
  4. Repeat the combo!

Easy, right? If you have access to her mini Elemental Burst, use that and repeat the process again

To make it much simpler, you can use this instead:

(Skill > CA > PA > Repeat) > Burst > Repeat


Her constellations are not about minor tweaks, instead they are more about amplification. They primarily focus on boosting her damage potential, transforming her from a powerful character into an unstoppable force.

C1. Shockwave Amplification

Ascension 1 now always increases her shock wave damage by 150% of her attack. Also, when holding down the Elemental Skill (sprinting state), Varesa consumes 30% less Night Soul points and Phlogiston.

C2. Power and Convenience

This grants her a massive boost to damage and convenience. Now Varesa will be able to enter Apex Drive every time she does a Plunge Attack. This will let her use her mini Elemental Bursts as well. While in Apex Drive, her Interruption Resistance also increases. For every shockwave her Plunge Attacks land on the enemy, she will restore 11.5 energy.

C3. Burst Enhancement

This strengthens her Elemental Burst level by three. Varesa will benefit from having a 7.5 to 16.4% damage increase

C4. Plunging Attack Power

Grants a buff to her plunging attack shockwaves after using her Elemental Burst. This will depend on whether or not she is in Apex Drive or Fiery Passion. 

  • When in either of those states, her Elemental Burst will deal 100% increased damage.
  • If not, the next shockwave dealt by her Plunge Attack will deal damage of up to 500%  of her attack to up to 20,000 extra damage.  

C5. Normal Attack Enhancement:

Similar to C3, this increases the level of her normal attacks by three instead. 

C6. Energy Restoration

This restores 30 energy to Varesa when she enters Apex Drive. Additionally, her Plunge Attacks and Elemental Bursts will also gain a 10% crit rate and 100% crit rate damage buff. When holding down her Elemental Skill (sprinting state), she will restore Night Soul points to the maximum amount.


Knight’s Oath 

This set allows her to maximize her primary damage source, making her Plunging Attacks even more devastating.

2-Piece Bonus: This increases her Plunge Attack by 25%

4-Piece Bonus: When Varesa deals a Plunge Attack, Charge Attack, or Skill damage, she gains 1-2 stacks of “Radiance Everlasting”. All of the previous attacks can trigger this effect once per second. What makes this strong is its Plunge Attack damage increase by 15% for one stack. For 6 seconds, there is a maximum of 5 stacks in total. 

Obsidian Codex 

This set, on the other hand, prioritizes increasing Crit Rate and Crit Damage. Another essential factor for maximizing overall damage output.

2-Piece Bonus: This will increase Varesa’s damage if on the field and in the Night Soul Blessing state.

4-Piece Bonus: This offers a decent crit rate buff by 40% for 6 seconds. This can be done when 1 or more Night Soul Points are consumed on the field.  

Stat Priority

Crit Rate/Crit Damage

This is the most important stat priority. Varesa’s ascension bonus is Crit Rate, and her damage output relies heavily on landing critical hits. Generally, you want to aim for a healthy balance, ideally with a Crit Rate of at least 60-70% and as much Crit Damage as possible.

Attack %

Varesa’s damage scales directly with her Attack stat. This is your primary source of damage amplification.

Electro Damage Bonus

This stat directly increases the damage of her Electro attacks, including her Plunging Attacks and Elemental Skill/Burst.

Energy Recharge (Situational)

If you find yourself struggling to consistently use her Elemental Burst, a moderate amount of Energy Recharge can be helpful. However, it’s generally lower priority than the other stats.

Elemental Mastery (Team Dependent)

If you plan to use Varesa in teams that rely heavily on Electro reactions (Overload, Electro-Charged, Quicken), a moderate amount of Elemental Mastery can be beneficial. However, it’s not a core stat for her in all team comps.   


Varesa’s signature weapon, Vivid Notions, synergizes perfectly with her gameplay. It boasts a high base Attack stat that directly amplifies her damage output. The weapon’s Crit Damage substat further enhances her potential, complementing her Crit Rate ascension bonus. Its passive effect grants an increase to Attack percentage and a significant boost to Plunging Attack Crit Damage. Especially after using her Elemental Skill or Burst. This direct enhancement of her primary damage source solidifies Vivid Notions as her best option for a weapon.

Vivid Notions weapon for Genshin Impact: Varesa Pre-Release Guide

However, there are a few alternative weapons you could pair with Varesa. They are as follows:

  1. Kagura’s Verity
  1. Home of Eternal Flow 
  1. The Widsith


While the choice of weapon is important to enhance the overall gameplay of a unit, choosing which character to synergize with is just as crucial gameplay-wise. In Varesa’s case, the best person to pair her with is the recently released Iansan.

Iansan can easily offer Varesa a large attack buff with the Cinder City set. Varesa can also guarantee that Iansan can provide her capped buff with her Mobility. This is also highlighted by the fact that Varesa is the only character who can make the most use out of the attack buffs for any Electro character. While Varesa can work with other supports, no one can come close to the combined pairing of these two.  

If you want to know more about Iansan, we have a Genshin Impact: Iansan Pre-Release Guide, I recommend you check it out!

Iansan from Genshin Impact

Team Compositions

Speaking of supports, let’s wrap up this Genshin Impact: Varesa Pre-Release Guide with a discussion about certain team comps you can pair with Varesa that fully uses her damage capabilities and other utilities! For this last section, we have three to discuss.

  1. Hypercarry Team

In this type of team, Varesa is the one at the helm while she is backed up by other supports who can generally give damage buffs. This is the most straightforward type of team but effective. Example of units that fit this composition are the following:

  • Furina
  • Shogun
  • Nahida
  • Bennett
  • Iansan
  • Xianyun
  • Kazuha
  1. Chevreuse Overload Teams

Varesa can also thrive in the Overload team with Chevreuse because of the amount of buffs that she can benefit from. One of the main reasons to pick this team is the inclusion of mostly 4-star characters. This is ultimately easier to recreate compared to having mostly 5-star units that fill in the whole roster.

Characters within this category are:

  • Bennett
  • Xiangling
  • Dehya
  1. Quicken Teams

    Last on our list is the Quicken team. This team comp focuses on buffing for damage with Dendro reactions, including Aggravate or Hyperbloom. This also massively helps Varesa boost her own raw damage when paired within this team. This is also considered the best choice if going for a free-to-play approach. 

Has this guide convinced you to try her out on day one? I know it got me hype! I hope this Genshin Impact: Varesa Pre-Release Guide was able to convince you to go for the character. Even more so if you enjoy that raw and pure damage playstyle. Be sure to check out our other Genshin Impact guides if you enjoyed this article!

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