There are some quests that are just plainly walking around the map. The Sylphanin Stockade On The Plains is one such quest but you will need to do a little something first. In this guide you shall learn what that is and how you can complete this quest. Let’s get started.
Dragon Quest Treasures – Go To The Sylphanian Stockade On The Plains
After you have bought the Drang, you will need to use the Train. The Train can be found inside the Eggshell Island in the middle of the whole island next to the buildings in the middle. Here you are able to see a machine slot that will give you the option to choose the next destination.

To be able to use the Train, however, you must get and train Drang as your pet. You can get him very easily inside the knight shop where you can get new recruits. To buy him you won’t need any type of rare item found in the world, instead, you can use some cash and gold.

Next up is just choosing to travel to the bottom right corner island that looks like this. Once you get here, you will just need to follow a certain path and then complete the objectives of the task as they are given to you.
You won’t have any type of killing tasks to do, instead, you will just have to follow the marker that will be given to you on the map. It is very simple to get over there, you will just have to follow the main road and dodge any type of monsters.

This is the final location of the place where you shall need to arrive. Once you get here, you will talk to the highlighted NPC in the picture above and you shall complete the quest. Congratulations!
We hope that this guide has helped you out with what you needed to do to get it complete. Have fun doing it yourself!