Guild Wars 2: Jade Bot Modules – Which Ones Are Best for Profit & Gold Making?

Martin Dojranliev
4 Min Read

Guild Wars 2 is an open-world game, and it’s all about discovery and exploration. In Guild Wars 2, there are a lot of directions to travel and adventure. Many characters have their own stories and goals, and you will be rewarded for helping them out by completing dynamic events. In this guide, we will show you which modules are the best for-profit and gold-making.

Jade Bot Modules – Which Ones Are Best for Profit & Gold Making In Guild Wars 2

Source: Gaming Tutorials With Jonny from Youtube

The best modules to use for profit are the Scavenger Protocol modules that you can buy from the trading post or craft yourself if you want to save some gold. The most profitable modules are “Might Trophies,” “Magic Trophies,” and “Leather.”

Source: Gaming Tutorials With Jonny from Youtube

First, when you open the 250 of the “Leather” Scavenger bag, you will grant these six materials circled in the image above. The “Rugged Leather Sections” and “Hardened Leather Section” are the most profitable.

The Rugged Leather Sections are sold for three silver and 64 bronze coins, and The Hardened Leather is sold for 11 silvers and 67 bronze coins.

Source: Gaming Tutorials With Jonny from Youtube

Next, when you open 250 of the “Mighty Trophies,” you will grant the materials shown in the image. Most of the materials you will get will be tier-3, tier-4, and tier-6. The most profitable one to sell is the “Armored Scale” tier-6 material sold for 21 silver and 48 bronze coins.

Source: Gaming Tutorials With Jonny from Youtube

The last bag to open is the “Magic Trophies,” You will grant these materials shown in the image above. You will get a lot of tier-3, tier-4, tier-5, tier-6, and a decent amount of other tiers. The “Vial of Powerful Blood” is the most worth one, which sells 25 silver and 46 bronze coins. Also, the tier-3 and tier-4 materials are selling for a decent amount of coins.

Based on the current market prices, the best Scavenger Protocols to use are number one “Magic Trophies,” number two “Might Trophies,” and last one is the “Leather.” The difference in profit between the “Magic Trophies” and “Might Trophies” is minimal, and you can consider them equal.

The other trophies, which are wood, cloth, and metal, are not as profitable as these three trophies. This is everything you need to know about the most profitable trophies in Guild Wars 2. We hope this guide answers your question.

A big thanks to Gaming Tutorials with Jonny for providing information about the most profitable Trophies. You can check the video here: Guild Wars 2 Jade Bot Modules – Which Ones Are Best for Profit & Gold Making.

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Martin Dojranliev has been writing for many years. He loves to write about the gaming industry, especially fps games. He is an expert gamer in CSGO. He has won tournaments in Gevgelija, Macedonia, and online tournaments, and he has 1000+ hours on the game. Martin specializes in skills to be the best and to win the game. Last year Martin finished one year course in 3D Game Design. When Martin is taking a break from writing, he loves to play games in his free time.
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