The new Hogwarts Legacy is out for select buyers of certain editions and for those who bought the standard edition don’t worry, the release date is getting near! One of the most hyped games is finally here and with it comes a lot of fun quests and a new but familiar world to explore. You play in the game as a custom character as you experience being a student in Hogwarts yourself! The game has a lot of quests and some of them can be quite long and confusing, in this guide we’ll show you how to do one of the quests in the game!
The Tale of Rowland Oakes Quest Guide – Hogwarts Legacy
There’s a lot of quests in Hogwarts Legacy, some of them can be quite long and exciting while others can be boring and simple like fetch quests. This quest is more of the former and lets you fight a lot of enemies if you like that kind of stuff! The Tale of Rowland Oakes quest requires you to talk to Adelaide Oakes first.

After talking to the NPC, go follow the waypoint to Rowland’s camp, there you’ll find a bunch of enemies to fight.

Once you’ve cleared the area out, look for the item shown below. It’s on top of some crates in the corner of the camp.

That item is a map, a very vague one, I guess Rowland isn’t much of a cartographer. You can follow the map using the images as references, but there’s an easier way to do it.

The map does show the compass and it shows the place is to the southwest. So instead of using the poorly drawn map, just hop on your broom, flight high and head southwest until you find the goblin camp in a ruined castle.

The camp and the inside of the castle is filled with enemies so keep that in mind and get ready for a lot of fights. Go through the underground part of the camp which is fairly linear and you’ll find the door where Rowland Oakes is behind it.

He’ll task you with finding his wand, go follow the waypoint until you reach the boiler door. There’s a trick into opening it.

Go find the big boiler and cast Confringo on it, this will start the boiler up and you can open it!

Through the door there’s a huge area with lots of enemies so get ready for another big fight!

Once you’re finished with clearing the room go to the small room to the north and collect Rowland Oakes’s wand. Now go back to Rowland and give him his wand and the quest will be done!

Congratulations you now know how to get this recipe in Hogwarts Legacy, now go out there and try to do it yourself! Many thanks to Game Guides Channel for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: The Tale of Rowland Oakes Hogwarts Legacy – YouTube