While fighting monsters by summoning a mini wind vortex and throwing a meteor from space can be fun, it can get pretty boring after a while. Which is why Genshin Impact offers some fun side activities that you can do when you don’t feel like fighting monsters and would rather prefer to just kick back and relax. There is a cool little side activity called the Paper Theater Performance that you can do in the Liyue Harbor in Liyue. If you are interested in doing that, we can show you how to complete Homecoming Scenes 1, 2, and 3.
Genshin Impact – Homecoming Scene 1, 2, 3
Homecoming Scene 1

The premise of the Paper Theater Performance is simple. The main character will be moving at a fixed pace and will turn around if they hit the edge of the theater or any obstacle in the way. However, there will be some traps in the way, which will be highlighted red. If the main character touches them, then the performance will fail.
The main goal of this is to have the main character reach the door to end the performance. To do that, you will need to move the stages around in order for the main character to reach the door.

Homecoming Scene 1 is easy, all you need to do is move the left stage while the main character is on it and move it to the middle stage. The middle stage will automatically move to the left stage and take its place, and the left stage will take the place of the middle stage, letting the main character reach the door on the right stage.
Homecoming Scene 2

Homecoming Scene 2 introduces the first trap, which is a spiked bamboo trap. The door is on the right stage with an obstacle to its left.

To complete this performance, move the right stage with the door to the middle. Once the main character walks into the obstacle and walks back to the left stage, move the left stage to the right stage. This will cause the right stage to go to the left stage, and the main characters stage will be able to proceed to the door in the middle stage.
Homecoming Scene 3

Homecoming Scene 3 is where things start getting tricky. The left stage has a locked symbol on it, meaning you cannot move this stage. Now, there is no door, but there is a new female character in the middle stage, right next to the trap. On the right stage, there is an obstacle.

The main goal is to reach the female character. To do that, you need to move the right stage with the obstacle on it to the middle, just before the main character walks into the middle stage. This will cause the main character to hit the obstacle and start going left. Right after he starts going left, immediately swap the middle stage with the right stage so that it’s back to what it originally was. Only this time, the main character can now reach the female character, thus ending Homecoming Scene 3.
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