Horse Life is basically a simulator in which you tame horses, ride and look after them. You can try this game for free on Roblox. The game offers an open world for you to explore and allows you to tame various kinds of horses.
The game has a pretty decent variety of horses ranging from Bisorses to Unicorns and even Gargoyles. To unlock those horses, you need to fulfill certain requirements. This guide will help you out with that and show you the way of unlocking Bisorse, Caprine, Unicorn and Gargoyle.
How To Unlock Bisorse, Caprine, Uni & Gargoyle Horses
In this game, every horse has a unique spawning location. If you are looking to tame a specific horse, you need to search for it around its spawn area. To learn about every spawn location in the game, check out this guide: Horse Life: Spawn Locations for Every Breed & Where To Find All Horses Guide.
Unlocking Bisorse

To unlock Bisorse, you need to complete the following 4 quests:
Quest #1 – Foal 5 Horses
This quest is pretty easy and straightforward. Just go into your Stables menu and breed any horses together to get Foals. You can keep or sell the Foal as you like. After you breed 5 times, you will complete this quest.
Quest #2 – Sell 20 Horses
This is also an easy quest to complete. You simply need to sell 20 horses and that is it. You can do this in your Stables menu.
Quest #3 – Harvest 20 Wooden Logs

For this quest, you need to head out to the jungle and look for wooden logs lying on the ground (such as the one shown in the image above). Once you find it, click on it and your equipped horses will start harvesting it. You need to harvest 20 wooden logs like this to complete this quest.
Quest #4 – Level Up Strength Skill Of Any Horses 5 Times

To get this quest done, you need to level up the strength skill of horses 5 times. It does not have to be the same horse. You can level up the strength skill of 5 different horses and it is recommended you do so because it is easier to go from level 0 to level 1.
Now to actually level up the strength skill of a horse, you need to go out to the jungle and look for forageables that you can harvest (such as the one shown above). Simply click on the forageable you find and your horses will start harvesting it.
Unlocking Caprine

To unlock Caprine, you need to complete the following 4 quests:
Quest #1 – Tame 10 Bisorse Breed Horses

Once again head out to the jungle and this time you will be looking for Bisorses. They appear like the one marked in the image above. You need to sneak up to them and try to tame them.
Be careful not to get too close or your will be kicked and knocked away. This will require some practice and after you are able to tame 10 Bisorses, you will complete this quest.
Quest #2 – Level Up Jump Skill Of Any Horses 10 Times

For this quest, you need to level up the jump skill of horses 10 times. To level up the jump skill, you simply need to jump over the obstacles which you can see marked in the image above.
It is recommended that you level up the jump skill of a horse which is at level 0 as that requires less XP. Once you do that, just get another horse with level 0 jump skill and keep repeating this until you have done it 10 times.
Quest #3 – Enter Cosmetic Contest That Is Held In Town
This quest is pretty easy to get done. Just head to the Cosmetic Contest location which you can easily spot from the spawn area of the town. Enter one of your horses in the contest and that is it for this quest. It does not matter if you win or not, you just need to enroll your horse in the contest.
Quest #4 – Harvest 30 Blue Berry Bushes

Head out to the jungle and look for bushes with blue berries. It is marked in the image above for your convenience. Simply click on it once you find it and your horses will start harvesting it. Do this 30 times.
Unlocking Unicorn

To unlock Unicorn, you need to complete the following 3 quests:
Quest #1 – Level Up Agility Skill Of Any Horses 5 Times
To complete this quest, you need to level up the agility skill of horses 5 times. To do so, just get on a horse and start jumping and running around. You will slowly get XP which will eventually level the agility skill of the horse you are riding.
Just like other skills, it is easier to do this for a horse that has level 0 agility skill. So to get this quest done faster, just focus on new horses with agility skill at level 0.
Quest #2 – Equip Your Horse With An Accessory
This quest is pretty self explanatory. Get near your horse and click on customize. Once you do, equip your horse with an accessory and that will complete this quest.
Quest #3 – Dye An Accessory
For this quest, you will need to dye one of your accessories. To do this, you will need a Color Dye. You can buy a Color Dye from the Shop for $1.50K.
Unlocking Gargoyle

To unlock Gargoyle, you need to complete the following 3 quests:
Quest #1 – Tame 1 Unicorn Breed Horse
To get this quest done, you will need to head out to the jungle and look around for a Unicorn and try to tame it. To tame a Unicorn, you will need a Weak Magic Lasso or a Magical Lasso.
The Weak Magic Lasso is available in the shop for $400. And you can also get the Magical Lasso for $650 from the shop. Magical Lasso will make the taming process much easier.
Quest #2 – Level Up Strength Skill Of Any Horses 10 Times
You need to level up the strength skill of horses 10 times. As explained before, you can level up the strength skill of a horse by making it harvest various forageables found in the game.
And it is much better if you focus on horses with level 0 strength skill as it will require less time to level them up.
Quest #3 – Harvest 30 Stone Deposits

This is the last quest you need to complete to unlock Gargoyle. Simply head out to the jungle, and look around for stone deposits (marked in the image above). And once you do, click on it to make your horses harvest it. Do this 30 times to finish this quest.
And this is it for this guide, I hope it was of help! Now to be able to tame every breed in the game, you will need to complete journal quests. To get more information on it, check out this guide: Horse Life: How To Unlock Taming for Every Breed | Journal Quests.