You’ve spent the money, done the work, and have some Robux on its way to your account – but wait. Where is it? If you’re wondering how long pending Robux takes to enter your account, this guide is here to answer your questions. Don’t worry, you didn’t give your money to Roblox for nothing.
Pending Robux – How Long Does It Take?
Over time, the pending sales for Robux have changed. Older players might be used to the 1 to 3-day waiting period, but lately, players have reported waiting a week and receiving nothing.
A Week Or Two
To answer the question, it takes approximately one to two weeks for you to receive any pending Robux.

We understand this could be a hassle, but Roblox implemented this feature to allow time for moderation. This is to week out any players that could have gotten Robux from less than legal means.
Additionally, some players say that it depends on the item and amount of Robux Pending as well. Higher values might mean it takes more time for the moderators to decide whether your purchase was legal. This is all speculation, but players on the Devforum seem to agree.
If it takes any longer than two weeks, feel free to contact Roblox Support for more assistance. We hope this guide helps, and feel free to comment any questions below.
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