
How to Beat Pensieve Proctor in Charles Rokwood’s Trial – Hogwarts Legacy

Get ready for a big boss battle!

Video games usually have some sort of challenges in them that you can set by developers.

Sometimes those challenges are there to check how you’ve mastered the game, while others are made by the developers as a joke and they never intended it to be winnable, but sometimes some people still do win it.

Hogwarts Legacy has a lot of challenging trials and boss fights you can do in the game.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to beat Pensieve Proctor in Charles Rokwood’s Trial, for those who are a bit stuck on what to do!

Hogwarts Legacy: How to Beat Pensieve Proctor in Charles Rokwood’s Trial

When you get into the arena a bunch of enemies will spawn to fight you, as well as some egg figures around the arena.

You shouldn’t use the eggs on this part of the battle, instead clear the enemies first without using them. They’ll be important later.

Source: FP Good Game – YouTube

Once you’ve defeated the trash mobs the big boss will appear and it’s the Pensieve Guardian, this is where the eggs will come in handy.

The moves of this boss are easy enough to predict, and you can stun him for a bit using ancient magic.

Source: FP Good Game – YouTube

The move that you need to keep an eye out for is when he makes a golden ball, this move is difficult to dodge.

When he’s making the ball, throw one of the eggs at him and it’ll make it explode, stunning him for a while and let you attack him for a bit.

Source: FP Good Game – YouTube

Still, this is a tough boss fight so I suggest you bring a lot of potions and to time your dodges as much as possible.

Source: FP Good Game – YouTube

Once you’re done with the boss fight just go straight to the next area and activate the item on the waypoint. A cutscene will play and it’s pretty straightforward to the end of the quest!

Congratulations you now know How to Beat Pensieve Proctor in Charles Rokwood’s Trial in Hogwarts Legacy, now go out there and try to get it yourself!

Many thanks to FP Good Game for showing everyone how to do this quest, if you need more information on the subject then check their YouTube video.

ALSO READ: Hogwarts Legacy: Ultimate Combat Guide | How to Get Better


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