Emergency Response: Liberty County has added new content as part of the Halloween Season. It has brought new aesthetics, quest and one. One of these quests is the Murder Mystery which allows players to step in the shoes of a Detective and uncover the suspect of a chilling murder.
There are a lot of clues in this quest, which includes Riddles. This means that players are required to deduce where the next clue is from a previous clue, which can be a bit difficult. In this guide, we will show you how to complete the ERLC 2023 Murder Mystery Quest and get some sweet rewards! Let’s dive into this mystery.
How To Complete ERLC 2023 Murder Mystery Quest
There are 10 clues that players will need to locate before they are able to close in the Investigation. It is quite a long quest that will have you going to multiple places throughout the map.
However, finishing it is worth it as you get $20K cash and 450 XP for your effort. You are also rewarded a badge.
Clue #1 – Bloody Fire Axe
The first clue you will need can actually be found right outside the Police Station. Specifically, it is right in front of the sign that says River City Police Department.
It is a bloody fire axe that is dug right into the ground. Approach this clue and Investigate it to get your first clue of the mystery.

After that, you can officially start this quest by going to the Detective Serious NPC in the Police Station.
Talking to him will allow you to do exactly that and keep track of all the clues. He will also give you a clue for the Fire Axe, providing you with the next location you need to go.

Clue #2 – Rock with Note
As Detective Serious indicated, the next clue can be located in the Fire Station. Go inside the Fire Station and start exploring the inside. You should be able to stumble upon a Rock with a Note right next to the Lockers Door.
Investigate this clue and the note will appear on your screen. It is basically a riddle, pointing you towards your next clue.

Clue #3 – Invitation Poster
For this clue, you will need to make your way to the La Mesa Restaurant. However, you won’t be having any nice meals!
Instead, go to the entrance of the restaurant. On the left wall, you will be able to see a Poster that reads 1923 Elegant Ball at the Polyhouse Hotel Springfield.

Investigate this Poster to obtain the clue.

Clue #4 – Bloody Handprints
As indicated by the previous clue, you will need to make your way to the Polyhouse Hotel. When you enter the building, you will be met with a gruesome crime scene with blood everywhere.
Make your way to the furthest wall and you will see a Red handprint alongside some blood splatters. Investigate the handprints to get this clue.

Clue #5 – UV Light and Basketball
After you’re done cleaning all the blood off of you, it is time to make your way to the Auto Shop. Immediately after you enter this location, you will notice there are some chairs thrown around.
Additionally, there is a UV light lying alongside a Basketball. Investigate the items and you’ll get your clue here. Halfway done!

Clue #6 – Hidden Drawings
The basketball from the previous clue means that you will need to go visit the Basketball Court. Initially, when you arrive there, you will see that everything is normal. This is where you will need to equip the UV Light that you found from the clue in the Auto Shop.
Equip the UV Light and start looking around the court for hidden markings. Eventually, you will be able to find a drawing of a map. Investigate these Hidden Drawings to get the clue.

Clue #7 – Dead Body and Riddle
The next clue will require you to go to the Construction Site. However, the construction site is huge which is why you will need to help with the map that you got from the Hidden Drawings. This map will point to a location with large dirt mounds next to a crane.

Look around these dirt mounds and you should be able to find a dead body in a body bag. Next to this body bag, there is a Note.
Investigate this Note and you will unlock the clue. You will also be able to read the Riddle on the Note which will point you towards your next clue.

Clue #8 – Mysterious Envelope
For this part, you will need to go visit the Post Office. When you enter the Post Office, immediately make your way to the backroom. In this room, there will be many shelves.
Look for a shelf that has an Envelope with a creepy logo, as seen with the other clues. Then, investigate the Envelope to obtain this clue.

Clue #9 – Locked Underground Door
For this clue, you will need to go to the address mentioned on the Envelope. That means you will need to go to the house at 7011 Franklin Court. However, instead of going inside the house, you should make your way towards the back.
Here, you should be able to find a locked door that goes to the underground. Investigate the locked door and you’ll get this clue.

Immediately as you do this, you’ll get a mysterious Phone Call. Answer the call and a creepy voice will start talking to you. Pay attention to it as the person on the phone will point you towards the next clue. Almost done!

Clue #10 – Underground Door Key
The final clue can be located at High Rock Park. Here, there is a large tower that you will need to climb up via a ladder.
At the top of this tower, there is a room that you can enter inside. On a table, you should be able to find a large golden key.
Investigate this Key and you will be able to get the final clue. You will also obtain the Key and can now return to the Underground Door to finish up the Murder Mystery Quest!

Arrest Suspect
Now that you have all the clues, it’s time to finish what you started. Return to the locked underground door and you can now unlock it with the Key you found.
After unlocking it, enter inside to find a room full of barrels. At the end of the room, you will see the Suspect looking away from you.

Approach the Suspect and Arrest him. Once you arrest him, you will get the notification that the Murder Mystery Quest has been completed.
You can now Claim your rewards which are $20K Cash and 450 XP. Additionally, you will also unlock a new Badge.

That’s everything you need to do to complete the ERLC 2023 Murder Mystery Quest. An interesting quest that is part of the new Halloween Update. However, it can be very long, since it requires you to go to multiple locations and uncover clues. However, the effort is worth it as you get a lot of rewards. The satisfying arrest at the end of the suspect is also really nice!
READ NEXT: ER:LC – 2023 Summer Update Guide
I’ve investigated the uv light and basketball but I didn’t get the uv light help plz anyone
You need to go to the basketball court then equip the us light(it shoul be in your backpack)