Disney Dreamlight is the new game in the block and it features a lot of fun things to do for players. Big fans of Disney can meet some of the famous characters from Disney movies and shows like Maui and Wall-E and you can interact with them and do quests with them. There are also a lot of things to collect in the game be it critters, materials and items and even food dishes. In this guide, we’ll show you how to make one of these dishes for a quest or just for your collection! Let’s see how to cook a Bouillabaisse In Disney Dreamlight Valley.
Disney Dreamlight Valley: How To Cook A Bouillabaisse
There are plenty of dishes you can craft in the game, and even a lot more ingredients to gather around the world. For those who don’t know, Disney Dreamlight Valley features a collection that players can fill up and in this collection are various items you can find or craft in the game. This collection includes a number of dishes and today we’ll learn how to make Bouillabaisse.

So, to make a Bouillabaisse you’ll need a lot of ingredients. The first thing on the list is a shell fish, so a shrimp or a lobster would do. Then you’ll need two clams, it doesn’t matter what kind of clams you need. Then you need a tomato and lastly, another vegetable, the image below shows a carrot though you can use any vegetable you want.

Congratulations you now know how to make Bouillabaisse in Disney Dreamlight Valley, now go out there and try making it for yourself! Many thanks to Quick Tips for showing everyone how this dish is made, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: How To Cook A Bouillabaisse In Disney Dreamlight Valley – YouTube