What is armor for? You might say armor is for protecting yourself in video games but that’s not the main thing that armor does for you. No, it’s not the stats and attribute bonuses as well, or the unique skills you get from them. The main thing armor does for you is to look good!
That’s why in Sons of the Forest you can craft Bone Armor, which is the best way to show your enemies that they’re not the first ones that tried to kill you and they won’t be the last. Nothing like wearing the remains of your enemies as armor, Monster Hunter fans should know that feeling.
In this guide, we’ll show you how to craft Bone Armor in the Sons of the Forest.
Sons Of The Forest: How To Craft Bone Armor
In the Sons of the Forest, crafting is your main way of survival in the game, and not every crafting recipe is handed to you on a silver platter.
You’ll need to experiment to see what kind of things you can make and one of the things you can make is Bone Armor. This will help you negate some of the damage done to you, so this is how you make them.

To make Bone Armor you’ll need Bones, Rope, and Duct Tape. Combine them and you should make a set of Bone Armor!
To get bones you’ll need to defeat an enemy first and throw their bodies into the fire until there are bones left. Then you can fashion those into armor with the other two materials!
Congratulations you now know how to make this item in Sons of the Forest, now go out there and try to do it yourself!
Many thanks to Gamers Heroes for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their YouTube video out!
ALSO READ: How To Get Water In Sons Of The Forest