We all know what boss battles are, the big bad guy against you, one on one. Well not usually one on one, sometimes they bring in mooks to fight you or have some strange pattern you have to follow and avoid, every game does it differently. In Bendy and The Dark Revival there’s a couple of boss battles here and there and all of them have their own little mechanics, in this guide we’ll show you how to defeat Alice Angel in the game and finally banish her, it’s not that difficult actually!
Bendy and the Dark Revival: How to Defeat Alice Angel: Banish Alice Angel
The boss battle starts with Alice shooting you with a gun, not very sportsmanlike but I respect her tenacity. Go to the right and you’ll see an arrow pointing up the ladder, don’t go there, it’s a trick the game throws at you!

Instead go to the left-most area of the arena, using the pillars as cover. There you’ll find a room where you can charge up that GENT pipe, charge it up since you’ll need it.

Remember that ladder with an arrow pointing up to it? Well now’s the time to go up to it, there you’ll find a locked door which you can open with a charged up Gent pipe. Behind the door is a lever you need to pull.

Now go back to the charging station and charge that pipe again, remember to not get shot. Go outside of the charging station and go on top of the boxes nearby, above the charging station is a place you can dash into that has another locked door and another lever behind it for you to pull.

Now that the door is open, go jump to the area shown below, again don’t get shot, go below Alice to go to there.

Now then just follow the path there and sneak up behind Alice to banish her, simple as that!

Congratulations you now know how to do this puzzle in Bendy and the Dark Revival, now go out there and try to do it yourself! Many thanks to Gamerpillar for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: How to Defeat Alice Angel: Banish Alice Angel | Bendy and the Dark Revival (BATDR) – YouTube
ALSO READ: How to Solve Alice Angel’s Switch Puzzle | Bendy and the Dark Revival