Roblox game Pet Capsules Simulator is back with new updates! The Evil update is adding the Underworld realm and a series of new, more powerful pets into the game. In particular, players can now explore and get to roll new capsules by unlocking new areas in the game. But first of all, you need to free the Mega Pet Spirit before you can do much.
But how does one do that? Keep reading and we’ll show you how.
How to Free Mega Pet Spirit
The Mega Pet Spirit can be unlocked after you locate and free all 6 Pet Spirits. Until you do that, your non-evil pets will suffer some debuffs while they’re grinding here. So now the big question is how do you find the Pet Spirits.

The Pet Spirit will randomly spawn inside the Underworld. And the further areas you unlock, the more they’ll spawn. If you don’t know how they look like, a Pet Spirit is a floating creature that flies very fast. When you’re close enough to catch them, you’ll see the E button prompt with “Free!” on top of it.
RELATED: How to Free All 6 Pet Spirits in Pet Capsules Simulator

You have to find 6 of them and then you’ll be able to finally release the Mega Pet Spirit! Once he’s released, you can now use your non-evil pets normally again. You’ll also get 30,000 gems from doing this.