Applied Work Suitability Techniques books in Palworld help players raise suitable pals’ work suitability to 5. There is not much information on these books but we do know how to help players find them all!
All Applied Work Suitability Techniques
There are a total of 11 Work Suitability books with a multitude of ways to get them. Before farming them through chests and dungeons, players first need to obtain them by talking to Arrogant Pal Critics and meeting their requirements.
In this guide, we’ll discuss the most fastest and efficient methods you can obtain all 11 Applied Work Suitability Techniques books!
Arrogant Pal Critic
The guaranteed way to acquire them where you do not have to rely on chance is through Arrogant Pal Critics.

In the world of pals, you’ll encounter nine critics across the map and every critic asks of you one thing: to show your pals. When you show them certain pals that they want to see, these critics will give you a ton of useful rewards. All critics can be found next to a fast travel point.
However, only 4 out of 9 critics will reward you with a work suitability book. We’ll have a quick look at which arrogant pal critic will give you this special reward, where to find them, and what pals you need to bring to impress the sour critics.
It’s imperative that you do not shoot them for being mean! That is if you still want your rewards…
Sakurajima – Mushroom Wetlands (-463, 132)

The arrogant pal critic at Mushroom Wetlands will offer you the Watering Technique 1 book in exchange for seeing specific pals. All the pals that the critics ask to see are typically available in the area where you find the critic so if you don’t already have them, you can scout around to catch some.
The arrogant pal critic at Mushroom Wetlands would want to see:
- Helzephyr lux
- Gorirat Terra
- Katress Ignis
- Sootseer
- Selyne
- Menasting Terra
- Knocklem
Cold Shore (-42, 10)

The arrogant pal critic at Cold Shore will offer you the Transportation Technique book. In exchange he’ll want to see:
- Reptyro Cryst
- Hangyu Cryst
- Suzaku Aqua
- Lyleen Noct
- Kingpaca Cryst
Stone Pillar Cave Entrance (-897, -1012)

The arrogant pal critic at the Stone Pillar Cave Entrance will offer you the Applied Manual Labor Technique book. In exchange he’ll want to see:
- Gildane
- Smokie
- Tarantriss
- Dazzi Noct
- Warsect Terra
- Omascul
- Celesdir
- Bastigor
Inside A Cave (-912, -1319)

The last NPC who will offer you a book is located inside a cave at coordinates -912, -1319. This is a friendly pal tamer who will not ask you to show her any of your pals, and instead will give you the book for free! The catch is that the book will be completely random and it may end up being a book you don’t need or already have.

The old trick is to reload a previous save and come back and try again! You can keep doing this until it’s the book you’re looking for. After you complete all interactions with the four critics, you can use other methods to find the rest of the books mainly through farming. Let’s see what you need to do.
Farming Work Suitability Techniques Books
After the critics, you’ll need to farm the rest of the books yourself. You can find books from chests, oil rigs, supply drops, and dungeons. All books from the mentioned sources have a 6% drop rate.

The simple way to speed up the process is to go to your world settings and lower the Meteor/Supplies drop rate which lowers the timer to which you’ll see another filled supply drop. Lowering it to 1 means the drop supply drops every 1 minute.

This method allows you to farm at a faster rate. When it comes to the oil rigs and dungeons, simply save the game just before you loot the chest. You can then reload the previous save if you didn’t obtain the loot you want.

If you follow these methods, you’ll end up farming all books in no time!