Recently Roblox has started the whole Roblox: The Hunt event for 2024 which spans multiple games on the platform. It’s a great way for players to explore the other games Roblox has to offer while looking for different badges to get.
One of the games in The Hunt 2024 is Maple Hospital and you can get yourself the Maple Hospital Badge in it. All you need to do is play the game and do some specific tasks!
In this guide, we’ll show you how you can get the Maple Hospital Badge in Roblox: The Hunt 2024. Now, let’s see what we must do to get this one!
How To Get Maple Hospital Badge
Unlike other games in The Hunt 2024, this one badge isn’t that hard to get. All you need to do is have a little patience. There’s no grand challenge here like defeating enemies in a fight or so on – You’ll just have to run around the hospital a bit.
SIDE NOTE: We have a guide which covers how to get all the badges in The Hunt Event 2024 of Roblox, make sure to check it out as well!
Starting The Quest
When you start the game and get the main menu, you’ll be asked to choose your role. There, you can start the quest for The Hunt: First Edition. Make sure to start the quest from here to get the badge.

Once you’re in the game, you’ll want to go to Floor 2 using the elevator in Floor 1. You’ll have a blue arrow coming out from your character as you do the quest to guide you on where to go.

The starting mission is simple enough. You’ll want to talk to the patients that the blue arrows will point to. After talking to the second patient, you’ll notice that there’s something amiss in the hospital.

Continue following the blue arrows. Now, going to Floor 1 and it will lead you to the MRI room. When you go inside, talk to the patient there and she’ll task you with looking for Mrs. Maple.

Looking For Mrs. Maple
To find Mrs. Maple, you’ll want to follow the blue arrows again to the Director’s Office. Once you go inside, you’ll see that she’s not there and a note will appear on your screen. The note will say to go to the Basement.

To get to the basement, use the elevator on the first floor. Keep following the arrows until you reach the areas shown below with hazard strips and a door. Interact with the door and it will say it’s locked. Don’t worry, the key is nearby!

You don’t even have to look for the key since the game just shows the arrows on where to go. The key is in the opposite room of the locked door in the Family Consultation room. Go inside, get the key there, and head back to the door to open it.

Once you’re through the locked door, go inside and keep to the left until you find the room where Ms. Maple is. Talk to her to continue the quest!

Cleaning Up The Area
After talking to Mrs. Maple, she’ll ask you to wear the Hazmat suit and check what’s going on in the area. The same as before, the game will show arrows to point you where the Hazmat suit is, which is in the Maple Laboratory.

Equip the suit and head to Mrs. Maple again. But this time, instead of heading left to her room, you go forward and then left. You’ll see a door that says “Hazard Zone.” Enter that door and go down the stairs.

When you reach downstairs, go to the right and head inside the Observation Hall. There, you’ll see a cutscene where there’s a portal. You’ll also get a mop in your inventory.

Use the mop to clean the glowing puddles around the room. There are two in the Observation hall, one in the middle and another one near the portal.

Then, there are two more puddles outside the room along the hallway as shown below.

After cleaning those up, there is a puddle on each of the other rooms on that floor.

Once you’ve cleaned the last puddle, a text box will appear saying you should go back to Mrs. Maple.
Making A Cure
When you’re done with cleaning the puddles, go back up the stairs and head to Mrs. Maple’s office. Talk to her and she’ll say that you’ll need 2 Orange Flasks, one green, and one blue.
SIDE NOTE: There are a lot of steps for this badge, right? Check out our guide on how to get the Egg Acquired Badge if you want your next one to be shorter!

Go back to the Hazard Zone downstairs and head to the Observatory. There, you’ll find the blue flask as shown below.

Going outside the Observatory and heading right you’ll find a file cabinet. Next to it on the ground is an Orange flask.

The next Orange Flask is inside the Data Center on top of one of the server racks.

Finally, the last green flask is in the Observation Room near the portal as shown below.

With all the flasks there, you’ll want to go back up to the Maple Laboratory where you got the Hazmat suit. Go to the table where the arrow is pointing to create the cure.

Final Steps
Now that you have the cure, go back to the first floor of the hospital and back to the patient in the MRI room. Talk to her to give the cure and you’ll be tasked with going back down the basement to check on Mrs. Maple.

Head down the Observation Hall and you’ll find Mrs. Maple there on top of a glowing puddle. Talk to her to continue the quest.

Mrs. Maple will give you a flamethrower. When you obtain the weapon, go through the portal. You’ll be teleported to a room filled with these eggs as shown below. Go up to them and use the flamethrower. This will destroy the eggs, do that until there are no more small eggs.

Once all the small eggs are destroyed, you can then use the Flamethrower on the big egg. Doing so will give you the Maple Hunt 2024 Badge!

That’s how you can get the Maple Hospital Badge for the Roblox The Hunt 2024. Now, go out there and try to do it yourself! Try to get the other badges in the hunt by checking our guide on how to get the Extraterrestrial Badge!