There are a lot of games on the Roblox platform and sometimes they do events that can affect most of the big ones. In these events, you often get to hunt for badges in different games as well as get some cool prizes.
Recently Roblox just started the Roblox: The Hunt 2024 and with it comes a bunch of games with new badges. You can go through each of the games to get the badges and win some prizes.
In this guide, we’ll show you how you can get the Warrior Cats Badge as well as show you all of the egg locations in it. Now, let’s go hunt for some eggs to get some cool rewards!
How To Get Warrior Cats Badge & All Egg Locations
The egg hunt in Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition is one of the more difficult badges to get. That’s because the eggs in the game have different spawning mechanics you’ll need to know. Not only that, but each egg can only be taken by one player! This can be a problem for eggs that have multiple spawn locations.
SIDE NOTE: We have a guide which covers how to get all the badges in The Hunt Event 2024 of Roblox, make sure to check it out as well!
Egg #1 – Explosive Egg
The first egg that you can easily find in the game is the Explosive Egg. This egg can spawn in different places around the Stonewarden Tunnels.

Egg #2 – Carrion Egg
In the same area in the Stonewarden Tunnels, you can also find the Carrion Egg. Sometimes it spawns on the rail tracks on top of the area so check it out there.

Egg #3 – Thunderclan Egg
The Thunderclan egg is one of the more difficult-to-find eggs in the game. It can only be found when it’s raining and is either near the Lodge or the concrete barriers near the tunnels.
NOTE: Once you find 3 eggs in total, you’ll automatically get the Warrior Cats Hunt Badge. Check out our guide on how to get the Natural Disaster Survival Badge to get even more!

Egg #4 – Moss Egg
When you get out of the Stonewarden Tunnels, go down the hill and along the path going up you’ll find the Moss egg nearby.

Egg #5 – Windclan Egg
It can either be found in the Frostclan campgrounds somewhere inside or is rolling around the map. If it’s the latter, you’ll need to catch it and it can be anywhere where it’s windy.

Egg #6 – River Clan Egg
This is one of the easier eggs to find because it can spawn in rivers. Just go up and down the riverside until you find one and then go up to it and take it!

Egg #7 – Catmint Egg
One of the easier eggs to find since it spawns just around the Lodge area of the map.

Egg #8 – OwlTree Egg
Can either be found under the logs near the river or below the trees next to the river.

Egg #9 – Waterfall Egg
As the name suggests, it can be found at the base of the waterfall near the Stonewarden tunnels. Since it’s a small spawn area, a lot of players might be there waiting for it to spawn.

Egg #10 – Moonstone Egg
One of the hardest eggs to find in the game because it only spawns in the Moon Cavern at the very bottom. Again, since it’s the only spawn area a lot of other players will be there waiting, so you’ll just need to be lucky.

Egg #11 – Shadowclan Egg
The hardest egg to find in the game because of the many spawn locations. It can only spawn in dark areas like the Tunnels or even outside the Stonewarden area near the Moss egg. You’ll need to have some luck to find it.

That’s how you can get the Warrior Cats badge for Roblox The Hunt 2024 as well as all the eggs in the game. Now go out there and collect them all! Try to get more badges, check out our guide on how to get the Diamond Donor Badge for more information!