Kai has been the easiest to farm and a fan-favorite boss for a lot of players. After the patch and the upgrade, this has been changed because Kai is simply too hard to kill right now. Well, that is, if you do not know what you’re doing. In this guide, we will show you all that you need to know in order to kill Commodore Kai easily in Arcane Odyssey. Let’s get started.
Arcane Odyssey – How to Kill Commodore Kai Easily

This is the build that we recommend that you go with when deciding to take on the boss Kai. It will give you just the right amount of damage to be able to effectively put him down, but the versatility and movements are what you need to get the most out of this build.
You do need to be at the MAX level and with decent skill before you take him on because he packs quite the punch and will easily take you down with one shot if you are not careful.
The Fight

The key when fighting Commodore Kai is to simply get him out of the fighting arena where you can originally find him in. You need to make a hole in the wall on the right side so that you can actually lead him through it. So try to make it as big as the picture shown above.
If you find a captain on the outside in the yard, you need to make sure to kill him before you actually start the battle. This is because he will interfere with the right and make Kai get stuck in the hole.

To start the fight you need to get under Kai himself. Get under this space place as shown above and then hit it at the exactly same angle. If you mess it up, he will directly come to you. But if you do manage to get it right, you will get a free hit on him which is a big changer.
Once he starts charging around, just go out from the hole and lead him to the outside. When the battle starts on the outside, you need to move around all the time and keep using AoE spells. Do not engage him in a melee fight because he will kill you.

Just keep jumping around him and time the attacks when he is in an animation. Doing this for a while will get Kai to be killed and you to stay alive and loot him. Good luck!
We hope that this guide has helped you out in taking down Commodore Kai who is one of the strongest bosses in this game. Have fun!
ALSO READ: How to Kill Architect Merlot Easily – Arcane Odyssey