If you thought that King Deshret’s Pillar will be a structure and an object that is looking beautiful and to be found somewhere in the world you would be very wrong. This is an item that is placed inside a chest which you will need to find. In this guide, we will show where you need to go to be able to find it. Let’s get started.
Genshin Impact – King Deshret’s Pillar Location

To get to the King Deshret’s Pillar we recommend that you first fast-travel to the location shown in the picture above. Once you get there, you will jump to the west and then continue to glide your way through the air until you reach the square position. In that place is where you can find a cave.

Enter the cave through the triangle entrance door that you can see above. Once inside just keep on heading to the very bottom by following the only road tunnel that will be in front of you. Also, jump down through the big hole and you can see a very big tree underground.

While going through the underground area you will come across a chest that is placed just in front of the large tree you will come across. Well, it is inside this chest that you can find the King Deshret’s Pillar. Congratulations!!
We hope that this guide has helped you out on what you need to do to be able to find it. Have fun looking for it yourself and try not to get lost in that dark cave!
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