There are a lot of things you can find in Kynseed’s world, and as you progress through the game, more and more become accessible to you. When you first start in Chapter 1, you get the basic resources that help you start off, but as you go deeper into the game and enter Chapter 2, then you get to see a lot more stuff that you previously did not see before. In this guide, we will be showing you the Mapstones, Mines, and Ores you can get once you hit Chapter 2, Summerdown.
Chapter 2 Summerdown Maps – Kynseed
Chapter 2: Summerdown Mapstones Locations

Drownhill has 3 mapstones.

FestField has 3 mapstones.

Homesteads has 4 mapstones.

Loverwood has 3 mapstones.

Naida’s Glory has 4 mapstones.

Poppyhill has 4 mapstones.

Rivermoor has 4 mapstones.

Cunning Plots has 3 mapstones.
Chapter 2: Summerdown Mines and Ores
Summerdown has 2 mines you can access when in certain areas.
- Mine 1 – Can accessed from Poppyhill
- Mine 7 – Cane be accessed from the southern Homesteads
- Mine 10 – Can be accessed from the northern Homesteads
Summerdown is mostly home to Copper Ore. You can’t find anything else in their mines besides Copper and such, but it is much more valuable compared to the starting area, which only had Tin Ores.
ALSO READ: Kynseed: Chapter 4 Woemarsh Maps | Mapstones, Mines, Ores