Legacy Piece: Best Devil Fruit Tier List

Legacy Piece: Best Devil Fruit Tier List

By Haider
5 Min Read

Legacy Piece is like the other One Piece inspired fighting games that you can play for free on Roblox. Just like other similar games, it has a bunch of Devil Fruits that you can get. Each Devil Fruit has its unique move set. This post will be showing you a ranking of all the Devil Fruits you can currently obtain in Legacy Piece. Keep on reading to get more information.

Best Devil Fruit Tier List

There are currently 9 Devil Fruits that you can find in Legacy Piece. Some of those Fruits only give you 3 or 4 Skills while some have up to 6 Skills. The latter being harder to find as you may have guessed.

NOTE: The Tier List given below is what I currently think is the best ranking possible right now. Those Fruits may get changed later on by the developers so do keep that in mind.

Best Tier List - Legacy Piece: Best Devil Fruit Tier List
Devil Fruit Tier List – Legacy Piece.

S Rank

The absolute best Devil Fruits the game has to offer. Your goal should be to get a Fruit of this Tier and master it.

  • Hie Fruit
    • Legendary Fruit with a drop rate of 1%.
    • Has 6 unique Skills.
    • Representation of the “Hie Hie no Mi” Fruit of Admiral Aokiji (Kuzan).
  • Paw Fruit
    • Legendary Fruit with a drop rate of 1%.
    • Has 6 unique Skills.
    • Representation of the “Nikyu Nikyu no Mi” Fruit of Bartholomew Kuma.

A Rank

Good Devil Fruits that are also worthy of mastering. You can rock Fruits of this Tier for a very long time until you obtain an S Rank Fruit.

  • Mera Fruit
    • Legendary Fruit with a drop rate of 1%.
    • Has 6 unique Skills.
    • Representation of the “Mera Mera no Mi” Fruit of Portgas D. Ace & Sabo.
  • Wax Fruit
    • Rare Fruit with a drop rate of 20%.
    • Has 4 unique Skills.
    • Representation of the “Doru Doru no Mi” Fruit of Galdino (Mr. 3).

B Rank

Average Devil Fruits that still offer some decent moves. Good enough to get your feet wet and learn the game better.

  • Bomb Fruit
    • Rare Fruit with a drop rate of 20%.\
    • Has 4 unique Skills.
    • Representation of the “Bomu Bomu no Mi” Fruit of Gem (Mr. 5).
  • Diamond Fruit
    • Rare Fruit with a drop rate of 20%.
    • Has 5 unique Skills.
    • Representation of the “Kira Kira no Mi” Fruit of Jozu.

C Rank

Lower classed Devil Fruits that are not anything special but are still usable. You should be striving towards getting better ranked Fruits.

  • Chop Fruit
    • Common Fruit with a drop rate of 75%.
    • Has 4 unique Skills.
    • Representation of the “Bara Bara no Mi” Fruit of Buggy.
  • Weapon Fruit
    • Rare Fruit with a drop rate of 20%.
    • Has 5 unique Skills.
    • Representation of the “Buki Buki no Mi” Fruit of Baby 5.

D Rank

The worst Fruit you can get in the game right now. Try to get a better Fruit as soon as possible if you want to have a decent fighting chance.

  • Spin Fruit
    • Common Fruit with a drop rate of 75%.
    • Has 3 unique Skills.
    • Representation of the “Guru Guru no Mi” Fruit of Buffalo.

This completes this short post of the best Devil Fruit Tier List of Legacy Piece. I hope that it was of help. If you want to learn how to get those different Devil Fruits, then I suggest checking this guide out: How To Get All Fruits Guide & Showcase.

Or if you still haven’t played the game yourself and want to start playing, then check this guide: Complete Beginner’s Guide of Legacy Piece. It will get you informed on all the different elements of the game. You will be a Legacy Piece master in no time!

Whether it's the old classics like Final Fantasy, Advance Wars on the GBA, JRPGs like Persona 4 Golden, Disgaea on the Vita or mainstream titles like Elden Ring, Red Dead Redemption 2, Haider has played them all. Even with 200+ titles under his belt, his passion for gaming is just as strong as it was a decade ago. Writing has given him the chance to spread this passion with others.
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