Old games are notoriously unforgiving in their fights and Live A Live is no different. Sometimes the developers envision only one way of doing a fight, and it’s up to the player to figure out what to do. Some games back then even have you spend hours grinding just so you can tickle the boss while some games need a super magical McGuffin to actually damage the boss. In this guide, we’ll show you how to defeat the Final boss in the Distant Future chapter.
How To Defeat Final Boss In Distant Future In Live A Live
The boss starts off as a large head in the middle of the arena and your single character is there to fight it. There are four orbs on each side of the boss and they heal the boss while you fight him. Here’s what he looks like in the original 1994 game. I personally like old sprites more.
This fight can be tough and it can take a while, and that’s the main gist of the fight. It will take time, the boss will heal, and you’ll just need to consistently do damage.
The key skills you’ll be using here are Repair and Restore and Maser Cannon. The main gist of the fight is that you keep doing counters and if your HP is too low, use Repair and Restore. Do this a couple of times because the skill also boosts your attack power. Once the Boss is about to heal and is low, shoot your Maser Cannon at it! With the added buffs of multiple Repair and Restore and the powerful Maser Canno skill, you can easily defeat the boss without even killing all the orbs.
Now that you know how to defeat this boss, go out there and try it yourself!
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