Lords Of The Fallen provides you with 9 different classes for you to choose and experience. Each and every single one of these classes will give you different stats, movements and attacks. Depending on your personal playstyle as well as preference, you’ll want to select the class that suits you the most.
Apart from the standard classes, there are also secret classes for you to unlock. One of them is the Dark Crusader, a class that wields a huge sword with strong attacks. In this guide, we will show you how you can unlock the Dark Crusader in Lords of The Fallen.
How to Unlock the Dark Crusader Class Guide
You may have seen that in order to unlock the class, you can only obtain it from purchasing the Deluxe and Collector’s Editions. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
There’s another secret way for you to obtain the class. This means that you won’t have to spend that extra money to get it.

When you leave the tutorial which prepares you for the game, you’ll be able to unlock your first Vestige.
This is the Vestige of Ranik in Abandoned Redcopse. From here, you’ll run back down the hill and through the arena where you fought the tutorial boss.

Right past that area, you’ll want to take a right turn. Then, follow along the path until you eventually reach a cliff.
There, you’ll be able to see and pick up a shiny gold item. The item is called a Flayed Skin, one of the materials you need to unlock the class.

From here, you’ll need to Soulflay a number of stigmas around the world. The first can be found in Lower Calrath, this is a fire zone that you can access after Fitzroy’s Gorge. As you progress through the storyline, this may the the fourth major zone that you explore.
To locate this stigma, either progress through the main story or warp back to the Lower Calrath Depot – Vestige of Sebastian checkpoint.
Turn around and head back down the stairs, rip your soul into umbral. Then, cross the bone bridge and the stigma will be halfway down the hill.

Another thing for you to keep in mind is that the area may be dangerous. This is because of potential skeleton monsters spawning near you and attacking you.
As you Soulflay the stigma, remember to always pay attention to your surroundings and react accordingly. Upon doing this, you’ll also obtain the Wooden Dark Crusader Cross.

The next two stigmas can be found in the Fief of The Chill Curse. This is a zone that you will eventually discover much later as you progress in the game.
You’ll also have to get the Fief Key to the fight from talking to Andreas of Ebb earlier in the game. Keep in mind that this is a challenging zone with invisible archers and deadly ice wolves.
The first stigma is right by the Fief of the Chill Curse – Vestige of Svornil checkpoint, which is relatively easy for you to get.

The second stigma is something you can only find after you’ve completed the entire zone. First, you’ll need to defeat the story boss, which you’ll eventually fight.
From the Vestige point, outside the boss’ room, you’ll run along the ramp parts until you reach the tower with the beacon.

Once you are in the tower, look towards your left and you will be able to find a hole. Hop down and you will then be outside again.
Then, enter umbral and head towards the river on the left. Move right along the riverbed. The next stigma will be on the hill as you ascend up the path.

The final stigma that is required is on the Path of Devotion, a brightly lit pathway important to the Hallowed Sentinels. This part of the game is accessible relatively early on in the game if you purchase the Pilgrim’s Perch Key.
However, at this point, you’ll most likely be under-leveled for the area. If you have cleared the Fief area, this is when you’ll be heading towards the Path of Devotion.

The area is accessible through the Bell Door in the Bell Room. However, keep it in mind that you’ll eventually need to clear some caves before reaching the Vestige point.

From here, you’ll need to head down the hill and clear all of the enemies that you see at the first landing. You will then notice some butterflies towards the edge of the cliff.

At the butterflies’ locations, you will be able so Soulflay and activate the final stigma. This will allow you to complete the prerequisites for the next step.

There is also another stigma that you can find that shows a statue fighting in Upper Calrath.
You can get here by going on a small path off the grand staircase but that is optional. However, this is not required for you to do to unlock the Dark Crusader.

Soulflaying that last stigma from the Path of Devotion gives you access to an arena, which is only a short distance away. Now, keep heading down the mountain path.
As you do this, you can choose to ignore the enemies you see along the way or choose to fight them.

Once you have reached the end, definitely try to defeat the elite archer enemy. As she can shoot you from across the map in the arena where you’re heading to, try to remove it early on.

Continue and keep walking until you eventually see a bridge. Rip your soul and enter umbral so you can Soulflay the target in front of you, which will pull the bridge. You can then extend the bridge and head towards the arena ahead of you.

After that, you’ll eventually see another stigma which you can soulflay. This time everything is going to be different since this is a boss fight. Before you do this, make sure you are well-prepared before starting the fight.

You will then need to defeat the Paladin’s Burden to progress the quest. If you decided to do this in co-op with a teammate, their resurrection point will be on the other side of the bridge. This means that they cannot rejoin you for the remainder of the fight.
Once you have defeated the boss, you’ll receive some Umbral Scourings. You will also obtain the quest item, which is the Umbral-Tinged Flayed Skin. With this item in hand, you’re ready to move on to the next part of the quest.

Head all the way back to the beginning of the game where you picked up the Flayed Skin. Go into the umbral and you will be able to see a giant door with a cross marked into it. Then, use your newly acquired quest item, the Umbral-Tinged Flayed Skin.
The door will then open up, giving you access to a small bridge and a landing. Head down and you’ll be able to loot an entire set of Paladin’s Gear. This will include the Paladin Isaac’s Sword and a full set of Heavy Armor.

Not only will you have access to the Crusader, which is a new class, but also a full set of awesome gear. This will provide you with a strength boost you can use on your main character.
Meanwhile, your final step of getting the Dark Crusader class is to defeat the Lightreaper.

Fighting this boss is going to be a difficult challenge for you. This is part of the main story, so we will not discuss too much about the boss fight. You can try to explore the boss’ patterns and find the best way to fight him.

Once you have defeated the Paladin’s Burden, you’ll now have access to Umbral Isaac. You will then be able to spawn him as an ally when you fight the Lightreaper. Summon Isaac before the fight, defeat the Lightreaper and you’ll eventually unlock the class.
You’ll be using the loot you obtained from the very beginning as the starting gear for this class. There is also a Paladin’s Pendant, which will increase your Strengths and Endurance Attributes. You’ll also get the Radiantburst Parchment, an item that deals damage to enemies hit and heals your allies.

If you have already killed the Lightreaper or you failed to summon Isaac, you can no longer unlock the Crusader. This means that you’ll need to do this on a brand-new character. There may be a lot of things you need to do to get the class, but gradually follow each and every single step we’ve just showed you, and you’ll eventually get the secret Dark Crusader class for yourself!
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