These days more and more games are popping out that a new genre of looter shooters have been made and it’s the EFT-likes. Marauders is one of the new additions to this genre. It has its own unique take for the players to enjoy. The game is heavily inspired and takes the aesthetics of diesel-punk. You ride ships in space as players try to raid a station. In the game you use mostly World War 2 era weapons and armor while scavenging and fighting enemies. In this guide, we’ll show you how to craft lockpicks and bandages.
How To Craft Lockpicks & Bandages In Marauders
What makes this game stand out from the rest of the genre is the more than usual emphasis on crafted items. You can craft a lot items in this game, from attachments to consumables and sometimes even weapons. It’s another great way for getting gear besides going in raids or buying from traders and crafting consumables is always welcomed.

To craft an item, you’ll need to go to the crafting tab. From there you’ll see a bunch of crafting recipes. At the start most recipes are locked and you’ll need to unlock them by using currency. The few items that are unlocked at the start are lockpicks and bandages.
To make a lockpick you’ll just need metal scraps. The easiest way to make money in the game is to bring a lockpick in every raid. This is because it gives you a chance to go to high valued areas that are usually locked.
Another great item to make are bandages which need Synthetic scrap. And we all know why this is a useful item to have.
Congratulations you now know how to craft bandages and lockpicks in Marauders. Now go out there and make those items for your stash! Many thanks to l3l Nova for showing everyone how to craft these items. If you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: How To Craft Lockpicks and Bandages – Marauders Crafting Guide
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