
Mashle Academy: Complete Beginner’s Guide (Leveling, Magic, Races, What to Do)

Everything you need to know to get started in Mashle Academy!

Mashle Academy is a Roblox experience inspired by a somewhat popular manga and anime series, and it is a fairly new game that is gaining some popularity recently. Because of how fresh it is, players are flocking to try it out. In this guide, we’ll show you the basics and everything you need to know to get started!

Complete Beginner’s guide (Leveling, Magic, Races, What to Do)

Before we officially start, you will want to check out our guide on how to complete the Academy Candidate Exam first. This will be how you start getting into the real meat of the game.

At the beginning, when you spawn into your academy, the first thing you will want to do is start picking up quests at the Quest Board.

Doing quests is the main way you can start leveling up in the game. These will scale depending on your level, with more difficult tasks being given as you grow stronger.

At the start, however, most of your tasks will be stuff like simply cleaning up spots of dirt scattered all across the academy or beating up low level bandits outside.

The quest board is refreshed every 15 minutes, so you will likely never run out of things to do as you progress through the levels.

Mashle Academy quest board in one of the academies

Training Your Stats

Inside the academy, you will also find the Gymnasium. In here, there are various items that you can interact with to start training all of your stats.

The different objects you will find here (as well as what they are for) are the following:

  • Dumbbell – Muscle Training
  • Barbell – Muscle Training
  • Book of Intelligence – Magic Training
  • Meditation Mat – Magic Training
  • Durability Vest – Durability Training
  • Boulder – Durability Training
  • Tire – Stamina Training
  • Ankle Weights – Agility Training
Mashle Academy boulder location inside the gymnasium

The Different Races and Clans

There are quite a few races that you can be in Mashle Academy, and these have both aesthetic and gameplay implications.

You can reroll this until you get your desired one, but before you do so, you should know their rates and what each race can do:

  • Human (90% chance) – Basic human appearance. Gripping enemies results in getting more coins from them.
  • Orc (10% chance) – Green skin and orc-like tusks in the mouth. They have Tough Skin, which reduces how much damage they take from muscle-based moves.
  • Dark Elf (10% chance) – Grey skin and hair, as well as long ears. These have Magic Defense, allowing them to tank more magic damage.
  • Elf (10% chance) – Pale skin and blonde hair, as well as long ears. This race can regenerate stamina at a higher rate than others.
  • Vastaya (10% chance) – Red hair and cat-like features. Vastaya characters take less fall damage and have better perfect dodge frames than others.
  • Demon (1% chance) – They have dark red skin and horns. Demons can regenerate HP even while they are in combat.

Despite being incredibly rare, Demons do not seem particularly strong right now due to how slow the passive heal is.

With that said, all of the races except Human have their niche uses, but getting them will require a lot of resources and luck.

Mashle Academy example appearance of a demon player

All of the Clans

In addition to races, there are also various clans that you can become a part of. There are really only four of them that are of any importance, as the common clans do not have anything special.

The legendary clans, however, only have a 1% chance to be obtained. Those who are fortunate enough to have any of these will get the following abilities:

  • Razor – You gain the Evil Eye skill, which fires off a shockwave that will temporarily disable the magic abilities of anyone hit by it.
  • Ira Kreuz – Those in this clan will receive a 25% damage boost and 5 bonus agility when their health goes below 50%.
  • Zero – Players in the Zero clan gain 25 bonus Potential and can train magic mastery twice as fast.
  • Burnedead – This is the ideal clan for muscle players as it significantly boosts all their abilities. This clan can also train every stat 20% faster.
Mashle Academy player showing off ira kreuz clan

All the Magics

As of writing this, there are still a lot of unreleased Magics currently in development. With that said, we have quite a few implemented already.

The Magics you can get, as well as their reroll rates and a brief summary of what they do, are the following:

  • Muscles (1% chance) – Currently the only magic that scales with the Muscle stat. Mainly a melee-focused kit.
  • Graviole (10% chance) – Has decent knockback and pull abilities with combo potential.
  • Lightning (10% chance) – Fast and hard-hitting. Very versatile defensive and offensive kit.
  • Fire (90% chance) – Has both melee and ranged options, as well as an area of effect ability.
  • Roks (90% chance) – Decent defensive stone skin ability with some knockback options.
  • Charm (90% chance) – Its kit seems to be mainly centered around crowd control.
  • Tornegus (90% chance) – Fairly mobile and aggressive kit.
  • Waters (90% chance) – Mainly focused on stamina drain and has a powerful but slow knockdown ability.
Mashle Academy using water magic against a player

Other Things to Keep in Mind

There is a fairly deep Detention and Wipe mechanic implemented in the game. Basically, doing certain actions will either increase or decrease your detention percentage.

If your detention meter ever reaches the 100% mark, you will be sent to trial. When this happens, you will be facing off against Mash Burnedead, a boss who scales off your current level.

You have to win this incredibly tough fight, as losing will result in your character’s progress being wiped. On a slightly positive note, getting wiped will not reset your current Magic, Clan, Race, and appearance.

Mashle Academy fighting mash burnedead in detention trial

Also, there are three academies that you can be a part of. You can change this whenever you want at the cost of some coins, but doing so will reset your reputation.

If you ever want to switch sides, this is best done very early in your career to avoid wasting too much of your progress.

Mashle Academy interior of one of the academies

And that is everything you need to know as an absolute beginner in Mashle Academy. Once you have settled in and started grinding up a bit, consider checking out our guide on how to join a guild in the game as well!


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