
Mercedes Expedition Perfect Conversation | Fire Emblem Warriors Guide

How to get Mercedes to like you more

Mercedes Expedition Perfect Conversation | Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes Guide

Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes is a very interesting and fun hack and slash game where you’ll get to fight tons of multiple enemies at once. While fighting them, you will have companions next to you. Let’s see how to raise your relationship level with the Mercedes companion.

Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes Guide – Mercedes Expedition Perfect Conversation

You will need to take her to the Plains for a sit-down. She will comment on how beautiful it is and how she could stay here forever. Then after this, you’ll go for a stroll and the talking part will begin.

The questions that you can ask and she can ask you are often times randomized. So they will be divided into sub-sections down below for the best results to get a perfect conversation.

Ask a Question

  • Question: Ask about their worries > Answer: Agree
  • Question: Ask about any personal news > Answer: Think about why that is
  • Question: Ask about their family > Answer: Ask for more details
  • Question: Ask about dreams for the future > Answer: Promise your support
  • Question: Ask about memories of the past > Answer: Laugh
  • Question: Ask about their friends > Answer: Sympathize
  • Question: Ask about preferred fighting style > Answer: Commend that
  • Question: Ask about their likes > Answer: Show interest
  • Question: Ask about their dislikes > Answer: Sympathize
  • Question: Ask what they think of you > Answer: Express gratitude


  • Question: My hair has been getting long recently > Answer: She’d look great either way
  • Question: She Wants to go shopping soon > Answer: Invite her to go to town sometime
  • Question: Wonder how her mother is faring > Answer: Say she should go see her
  • Question: Annie and I have been close ever since we met > Answer: Smile and say that’s wonderful
  • Question: Both of my parents were great cooks > Answer: Ask her to teach you how to cook
  • Question: Sometimes I think to go back to Fhirdiad > Answer: Invite her to go to Fhirdiad with you
  • Question: I hate fighting > Answer: Vow to create an age of peace

Then after this perfect conversation, you’ll go to the Bonus time that you can use on building up your relationship with Mercedes. Here you can choose Give a Gift option instead of Observe (like for everybody else).

The gift that you will need to give her is: Tasty Baked Treat. This will get your relationship on a whole new level.

Only after you give her a gift, you’ll start Observing her. Make a full circle with the camera around her to get her to comment about herself. You will need to Nod 2x at her face and 1x Joke while again at her face. After this go ahead and End the expedition.

Congratulations! You managed to get Mercedes much closer to you than before.

READ NEXT: Monica Expedition Perfect Conversation | Fire Emblem Warriors Guide


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