Grackle holds a collection of interesting characters that you’ll come across while journeying through Weird West’s whimsical world. Some of them have interesting backstories that you’ll unearth through side quests.
One of these is a girl you’ll encounter on the second floor of Grackle’s Saloon. Read on to see how this quest progresses!
Weird West – Missing Memories Quest Guide
Sarah Cheng calls for your help once you get to the second floor of the Saloon, speak to her to start this quest. She will ask you to get her grandfather’s diary which is easy to find once you get to Buford Stead.

You will find the diary in the house next to the Stead’s abandoned gun store.
If you do it well enough, you can sneak past the enemies to save you the trouble of fighting them. Be prepared to fight if you fail the stealth though!
The diary should be inside the cabinet in the house. Once you get it, you can then return to Sarah and she will thank you with $100 and a +10 rep boost.
The quest is done once you hand over the diary.
We won’t spoil the dialogue for you so you can see the revelation for yourself when you finish the quest!