Ben 10 Roblox game Omini X was finally on its Beta 4 stage and we’re going to talk about all the aliens. We’re going to talk about what each Alien can do in those forms, like their abilities. Knowing what each alien does is going to help make your fights easier and progress the game! Let’s take a look!
All Aliens Guide
There are currently 14 alien forms in the game. Every 10 levels, you unlock a new form before finally reaching Recalibration at level 190. For that, you can check out our guide on the fastest way of leveling up in Omini X.
Also, if you’d want to unlock all the aliens in Omini X, you must get the Omnitrix first. We have a guide for that topic as well.

As the game is still in Beta 4, we’re going to most probably see a lot of new alien forms in the future, so stay tuned!

Similar to the Cannonbolt in the game, the ball form allows you move to around the map really fast. You can also do a big AoE move as you stomp around the area, dealing big damage. You can also dash very fast and leave a trail behind you.


The Wildvine can dig down and move fast underground. Your strength here is popping up to leave a bomb in multiple places and then digging out of that place to explode the area. His bombs will explode in 3 seconds and you can throw multiple at once!

The Blitzwolfer form lets you jump very, very high and also comes with a dash skill. His main attack will be his ranged howl which range you can see from the green rings.

Perhaps one of the cooler models, the Egyptian mummy alien skillset is pretty lacklustre. It does an extended attack which isn’t very far.
Ghost-Freak Minion

You can shoott out ranged of green beams and have two skills to deal big Aoe explosion around you. The explosions also deal a lot of damage.
Perk Upchuck

Next up is our cute lil’ guy, Upchuck. He shoots energy balls from his head and can cast a long beam. Unfortunately the beam needs a windup and is often bugged so it doesn’t shoot anything.
Eye Guy

The Eye Guy here comes with a powerful AoE explosion move similar to the Ghost Freak. The explosion deals a lot of damage. It also has a mid-ranged beam move.


The Ditto is one of the most annoying alien to deal with. He can clone as many times of himself as he wants which makes trying to differentiate the real one challenging.

Up next is the Feedback who can teleport. You can also shoot a mid-range beam and deal an AoE explosion around you.

The Buzzshock is an alien form where you can fly. You become very small, however, and he can’t do anything but do a small explosion around you.

The Arctiguana has a simple ranged move, a long-ranged spike attack, and finally, a huge ice spike explosion. The last one deals a huge damage in the area instantly.

The Spitter’s movesets are all ranged. The only difference being the further they travel and the more damage they do, the longer you cast them. That lets you fight from a distance and don’t have to be close to deal damage like other forms.

The Clockwork is huge and can stop time with his skill. He shoots a mid-range beam as well. He can also create a bubble that slows players in that area. A pretty balanced kit!
Way Big

The Way Big is just way too big. He can stomp and even dash. He does a hilarious Ultraman move but is pretty buggy right now to use.
Alien X
There’s also a unique Alien transformation in the game, which is Alien X. Unlocking it will require you to do a quest! For more details, you can check out this dedicated guide on how to get Alien X in Omini X.

Nanomech, Rath & Lodestar
There are also more Alien transformations that you can only unlock, like like Nanomech, Rath, and Lodestar (at Level 215). You can do so by upgrading to Recalibrated Omnitrix. For more details, you can check out our guide for that.
Swampfire, Humungousaur & Echo Echo
Now, you can also get access to 3 new Aliens by upgrading to the Ultimatrix. It gives you access to 3 new Ultimate aliens: Swampfire, Humungousaur, and Echo Echo. They all come with new designs as well as new moves!

And those all the aliens form and guide in Omini X on Beta 4! If you have questions or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.
Also, if you’ve been struggling with some of the mechanics in the game, make sure to check out our complete beginners guide in Omini X!