Once Human is an open world MMORPG that has a lot of potential to be a popular game that many players play due to its incredible graphics and amazing survival gameplay. The game has you going around the map to do a lot of busy work by finding resources and loot to make your character stronger. Some choose to craft their gear, but others would rather look for it in Gear Crates. In this guide, I will show you how you can find Mystical, Weapon, and Gear Crates that are found in the Alternate Reality Research area.
Alternate Reality Research All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location
First off, you’re going to need to head to the Alternate Reality Research area that is located in the Red Sands. If you need help looking for the area, simply refer to the coordinates 6864, -1603 to find the location on the map.
SIDE NOTE: We have a collective and complete guide for all Weapon, Gear & Mystical crates in all the locations of Once Human, make sure to check it out!

Gear Crate #1
Once here, make sure you glide down to this building first. You can find a Gear Crate inside the building.

Inside the building, you can find the first Gear Crate located here inside the room.

Weapon Crate #1
For the next set of crates, exit the building and jump off the edge to glide over to the building on the other side of the area.

There’s going to be a lot of enemies waiting for you here, so make sure to either take them down or just run past them. Either way, make your way inside the building by using these stairs.

The building here is massive, so you will need to keep going up. Again, watch out for enemies because they will shoot on sight if they spot you.

Once you are at the top and you are in the lab area, go behind the wall here and you can find your first Weapon Crate.

Weapon Crate #2 & Mystical Crate #1
For the second Weapon Crate and the Mystical Crate, head back down and look for the dark room that is next to the stairs that goes up to the lab. Here, you can find the Weapon Crate and the Mystical Crate in a room.

Simply take out the enemies that are lingering around and you can grab the crates and their contents before moving onto the last crate of the area.

Gear Crate #2
Leave the dark room and keep taking the stairs up some more. This will lead you to the second Gear Crate that is located on the helipad.

The second Gear Crate is located next to the helicopter on the helipad. Grab the contents of the loot and you are done with the area.

That’s all you need to know on how to get all of the crates located in the Alternate Reality Research area in Once Human. Did this guide help you find all of them? Let us know in the comments below.
Want to grab some new stuff for your character in Once Human? Check out this guide on how to get the Digby Boy Deviant in the game.