The Buzzy Bee is one of the many Deviant types you can get out in the world in Once Human.
Its unique ability, Deviated Gardening, increases the chances of the crops in your base mutating. This yields different crops than usual, which opens up new crafting recipes later in the game.
In this short guide, we’ll tell you how to easily get the Buzzy Bee Deviant so you can start hoarding mutated crops!
How To Get Buzzy Bee Deviant | Once Human

The easiest way to get the Buzzy Bee Deviant in Once Human is to visit the farmland near Deadsville in the Dayton Wetlands region. Just go northwest from Deadsville to find the farmland. To be more precise, its coordinates are 5697, -5239 as shown in the map above.
SIDE NOTE: We have a complete guide for all Deviant locations in Once Human, make sure to check it out as well!

Approach the center of the farmlands and you should be able to spot the Buzzy Bee, happily buzzing around the crops. Do be warned, though, that you’re likely to find monsters while in the area. They should be easy enemies since it’s an early-game area, but be careful if you’re a low-level player.

Once the coast is clear, just approach the Buzzy Bee Deviant and try to capture it. Remember, though, it might flee and disappear if you fail to catch it multiple times.
If it does disappear, or it simply didn’t spawn at all to begin, check out our guide on how to change worlds. Using Teleportation Towers to swap between different worlds gives you another chance at trying to hunt down Deviants without having to wait for them to respawn!
Nonetheless, the Buzzy Bee Deviant is pretty easy to get in Once Human. Capture the charming worker bee and place it inside an Isolated Securement Unit at your base. It will grant your base the “Deviated Gardening” ability, which increases the chances of your planted crops mutating. You’ll need mutated crops for certain recipes later in the game, so it’s a good idea to start hoarding them early!