The Logging Beaver and Extradimensional Cat Deviant types both share nearby spawn points in Once Human, making it easy to get both of them quite fast.
The Logging Beaver, as its name indicates, has the ability to go logging. It will cut down nearby trees automatically when placed in your base. The Extradimensional Cat, on the other hand, has the ability to raise your spirits. It will help you sleep when placed on your base, making you get more Energy for each day!
In this short guide, we’ll tell you how to get both of these helpful Deviants at the same time.
How To Get The Logging Beaver and Extradimensional Cat Deviant Fast | Once Human

Both the Logging Beaver and Extradimensional Cat Deviant types can be found at Meyer’s Market in Once Human. They both have a random chance to spawn extremely close to each other, so you can get 2 for 1 if you’re lucky!
What’s more, the Meyer’s Market encampment has a Teleportation Tower. You can use it to change worlds, which has a chance of respawning either Deviant every time you switch worlds.

Once you reach Meyer’s Market and activate the Teleportation Tower, look for a flight of stairs going up.

Go up the stairs and you’ll see some small living quarters. If you’re lucky, you’ll also see the Extradimensional Cat Deviant here, as shown in the image above. This is its spawn location, so make note of it! If it’s not there, use the Teleportation Tower to switch to another world and try again.
SIDE NOTE: We have a complete guide for all Deviant locations in Once Human, make sure to check it out as well!

As for the Logging Beaver Deviant, you’ll need to leave Meyer’s Market and go south to reach a dock.

Check the right side of the dock and you should spot the Logging Beaver Deviant floating in the air. Just like with the Extradimensional Cat, use the Teleportation Tower to change worlds if it didn’t spawn.

With a little bit of luck and patience, you’ll be able to get both the Logging Beaver and Extradimensional Cat Deviant types extremely fast in Once Human. Meyer’s Market truly is an amazing encampment, right? Just make sure you have at least two Isolated Securement Units to place these Deviants in your base.