Having a deviant buddy by your side in Once Human comes with its own set of advantages. Aside from the fact that you get company, these deviants can deal damage to your opponents and take damage that’s dealt to you during battles. They help around and are pleasant to be around. If you haven’t found a deviant for yourself, keep reading and we’ll tell you how to get the Upper World Spawn Deviant.
How To Get Upper World Spawn Deviant
Here are all the steps to follow in order to acquire the Upper World Deviant:
- Enter the Securement Silo – PSI.
- Clear the First room.
- Clear the second room.
- Get past the lasers.
- Clear the snowy area with the boss and destroy both generators.
Now, let’s look at a detailed walkthrough on how to achieve each of these steps.
SIDE NOTE: We have a complete guide for all Deviant locations in Once Human, make sure to check it out as well!
Securement Silo – PSI
Start by heading to Securement Silo – PSI.

When you reach the place, you’ll be met with a metal door. Interact and click Enter to be transported into the securement after the loading screen ends.

When you enter the securement, you’ll need to go a little forward and then jump down where you see the mythical eye symbol on the wall.

You’ll need to jump down twice. The second jump will be a bit longer than the first.

It’s important to note that you’ll be fighting a bunch of enemies ahead so prepare yourself for that. When you reach the bottom, keep forward until you see these stairs. That’s when you go up the stairs.

Remember to keep moving forward and destroy any enemy in your path.
To help yourself get through, it’s important that you equip yourself adequately. You can also check out items in the season’s shop for anything useful. ItemLevel has a guide on How To Get to the Season Shop to show you where to find it, so do check it out!
Continue on your path and you’ll be heading toward a room. On your way to the room, you’ll see a desk on your right side.

First Room
The room will have a large rock and plants in the middle as a decoration piece. Just as it’s shown in the image below.

At this point, it starts getting chaotic. There are tons of enemies you have to push through by clearing the area. You need to get to the other side of this room and defeat any enemy in your path. To reach the end of this room, go up the stairs to the second floor.

Then, turn left and before going down the next set of stairs, clear the area from all enemies.

When you clear the area that’s downstairs, go down yourself and take the stairs that’s to your left.

Then, take another set of stairs, to enter a floor that has a box sitting on a table in the middle.

This storage crate contains the keycard needed to help you proceed. Once you obtain the keycard and loot the area for another storage crate, you can go one floor lower. To your left, will be a Rosetta V3 card access terminal. Use your keycard to open this door and get you to the other side.

When you gain access, follow the path that will take you all the below a couple of sets of stairs.

Remember that you need to go all the way to the bottom of the settlement. Again, you’ll encounter more enemies, and the area will get darker. When you see a pathway with blue coverings on the wall, that’s where you need to turn toward.

Second Room
Follow this path as well and it’ll lead you to another room. You’ll have to kill all enemies in this second room as well. Killing enemies in this room will allow you access to the next door.

When you kill all enemies in the room, a door will open.

Head to the backside of the kitchen with all of the stoves and storage items.

From here, you can either take a left or a right. You can clear the area of the room on the left for more loot and then proceed to the room on the right to exit the place.

When you’re done looting, open the cafeteria door that leads to the exit.
Once you make that exit, go down the stairs and take a right where you’ll see all the lasers. You’ll have to be super careful at this point and maneuver through these active lasers.

Get past all the lasers by crouching, walking faster when needed and waiting for the lasers to make space so you can quickly pass. Time your movements and this obstacle should be easy to get through. When you reach the other side, you can use the switch to turn off all the lasers.

Now, go all the way down to the other side of the Hallway until you reach a doorway.

You’ll need to plant explosives on this door to access the other side. So throw a grenade and quickly step back before it explodes to evade any damage. Collect all the loot from the room, then leave the room and continue down the path.
There will be more lasers ahead so use the same method to get through them and then shut them down. This set of lasers is trickier than the last because it’s very close together but you can easily pass through them if you time your moves right.
On the other side of the lasers, you’ll find a door with a Rosetta V3 access terminal.

Use your keycard to gain access to the other side. On the other side you’ll find path way that will lead you to a snowy area.

Snowy Area with Boss
When you reach the snowy room, start by shooting at the fridge that’s on top.

A monster will emerge from the freezer part of the fridge. You’ll need to shoot at it as well. Once the Fridge Boss is defeated, look for Handling Ice spikes. You’ll find many on the ground.

When you find one, carry it with you upstairs to use it to destroy a generator.

When you reach the top, launch the ice spike at the shield in front of you.

This will cause the shield to turn into ice and break down. When the shield breaks, it exposes a generator on the other side. Proceed to destroy the generator by shooting at it.

Once this generator is destroyed, head back downstairs and look for another ice spike. Pick up the ice spike and launch it at another shield that’s covering the second generator.

After the generator is destroyed, go back to the boss in the freezer that’s on top of an snowy hill and defeat him once again.

And once he’s defeated the second time (after the 2 generators are destroyed), you should finally get the Upper World Spawn Deviant!

Climb over to the top of the snow hill where the fridge boss was and claim your rewards along with the Deviant.
This was a long journey, but it reaped good rewards. If you’re up for some more adventure to get your hands on some more deviants, we have a guide just for you. Check out How To Get Lonewolf’s Whisper Deviant in Once Human.