Once Human is all about the grind, but there are many ways to ease up on it by having a few automated workers back at your base. In this guide, we will be showing you how to get a Lethal Rabbit deviant, which will help you with the upkeep on certain supplies!
Where to Find Lethal Rabbit Deviant
Simply put, the Lethal Rabbit deviant can be acquired pretty much anywhere in the map. All you need to do is kill and skin wild rabbits. You have an unknown chance of getting the Lethal Rabbit after skinning a rabbit.
To increase your chances of finding one, you’ll need to find a spot where a lot of them respawn. Luckily for you, my group is stationed near such a location, so I’ve got a recommendation for you.
SIDE NOTE: We have a complete guide for all Deviant locations in Once Human, make sure to check it out as well!
If your server is still in phase 1 (like ours is, at least until 2 days after this is posted), you can set up between the border of Iron River and Red Sands, the latter of which you cannot access without getting instantly killed by the game.
Check the map image below to see exactly where I mean. Basically, the areas beside this road and the small islands on the water adjacent to Red Sands has a ton of rabbit spawns, and they typically respawn by the time you’ve looped around everything.

If you’re going to use this spot, make sure to have a decent weapon as there are also corrupted wolves and normal ones that spawn along the road. They occasionally kill rabbits too, which you can still skin.
Keep an eye on the top part of your screen whenever you skin a rabbit. As this is completely random, it can take you upwards to 20+ kills before you get your first Lethal Rabbit. It took me 27 kills to get one as an example for this guide.

What Does the Lethal Rabbit Do?
Once you have stored the Lethal Rabbit inside an isolated securement unit, it will passively gather various animal resources, such as meat and hide.
If you’re too lazy to walk out and do some hunting, this little guy will give you a passable amount of supplies every now and then!
To boost its recovery speed, put the unit under a red light and have a fridge nearby. You could also connect it to a power source, but at this point, where we mostly only have solar panels, this is not advised due to the many other better uses for electricity (and limited generator slots).

And that is pretty much everything you need to know in order to get a Lethal Rabbit, as well as a quick overview of what it can do and how you can speed up its recovery. While you’re here, check out our guide on all of the crate locations in the Ricci Securement Point in Once Human just in case you haven’t completed that area yet!