Deviants are special entities in Once Human that can provide you with a lot of uses, whether it be in Combat or for your Base. There are many kinds of Deviants scattered all across the map. One such Deviant that is really useful in fights is the Zeno Purifier Deviant.
However, to be able to capture this Deviant, you’ll need to first find it. In this guide, we’ll show you multiple methods in which you can find the Zeno Purifier Deviant. We’ll also show you how you can utilize it in battle Without further delay, let’s get into it!
Where To Find Zeno-Purifier Deviant
There is no specific location in which you can find the Zeno Purifier Deviant. Instead, you’ll need to utilize one of two methods to be able to get it.
One method is by finding it which will depend on your luck. The other one is linked to a Seasonal Challenge, which is a guaranteed method but might take longer.
SIDE NOTE: We have a complete guide for all Deviant locations in Once Human, make sure to check it out as well!
We’ll go through both of these challenges and show you how to utilize it in combat. If you’re only interested in a specific method, feel free to use the Table of Contents below.
Method #1 – Looting Weapon Crates
The first method of finding the Zeno Purifier Deviants is by looting Weapon Crates in Once Human. The Deviant has a chance of appearing in one of these Weapon Crates.
The appearance of this Deviant is entirely random and will depend on your luck. So just try to loot as many Weapon Crates as you can across the Once Human map.
Eventually, you should be able to come across one.

Method #2 – Completing Seasonal Challenge
The second method for getting the Zeno Purifier Deviant is through the Seasonal Challenges. There is one particular challenge that you can complete, which allows you to claim one Zeno Purifier Deviant.
It’s a guaranteed method to get the Zeno Purifier Deviant.
Start by going into the pause menu. Here, select the Season menu that you see at the top on the right, where you can see Phases.

In the Season menu, select the Seasonal Goals tab at the top. After that, select the Of Mist And Mirage Phase 1 Rewards sections.

In this menu, you’ll see various challenges that you can complete. At the bottom, there will be a challenge where you’ll have to defeat 200 enemies with melee weapons.

Completing this challenge will give you one Zeno Purifier Deviant. Since it is a Phase 1 reward, it is possible you might need to be in Phase 1 of the season. So be wary of that, as we have not been able to confirm this.
To complete the challenge, simply take out any melee weapon and start killing enemies. Once they’re killed, be sure to claim the challenge reward. Doing so will give you the Zeno Purifier Deviant.

How To Use
Now, we’ll briefly look at how you can use the Zeno Purifier Deviant in Combat. If you look at its description, the Zeno Purifier Deviant uses its dark blade to damage enemies.
It also utilizes a Blink Attack to quickly teleport to enemies to hurt them.

With the Zeno Purifier Deviant equipped in Once Human, you’ll see two options. Here are the two options you can choose and what they allow you to do in Combat:
- Designated Target
- The Zeno Purifier Deviant will prioritize enemies that you are facing
- If there are no targets, surrounding enemies will be targeted
- Auto Attack
- The Zeno Purifier Deviant will engage in Combat automatically when it is Full Power.
So, you have a lot of options that can make this deviant viable when in battle!

That’s everything you need to know about finding the Zeno Purifier Deviant in Once Human. A really powerful deviant that can actually help you in combat. Besides that, it also has a really cool samurai design!
Weapon Crates are one of the methods that you’ll need to utilize for getting the Zeno Purifier Deviant. But you might not know the locations for all of them. Our All Gaia Military Base Crate Locations Guide can show you where to find some!