If you love post-apocalyptic video games, you’ll love Once Human. Survive in the multiplayer open-world survival game where all of you and your friends team up to defeat monsters, enemies and collect various resources. You can find all the resources you need in Crate boxes. In this guide, I will tell you the location of All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates in White Cliff, so let’s get started.
White Cliff All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location
The White Cliff in Once Human has Mystical, Weapon and Gear crates that may be of good use to you in your adventures and the game storylines so it’s essential that you stay as equipped as possible. Fortunately for you, we have the exact locations of each crate in the area, and we’ll show you where you can find them too.
From the White Cliff, you’ll find the following number of crates:
- 1 Gear Crate
- 1 Mystical Crate
- 1 Weapon crate
Making it a total of 3 Crates. If you wish to find all 3 crates, then keep reading till the end! Each crate will be found one after the other so you can either stop when you found the crate you want or go through with the whole journey till the last crate of the location.
SIDE NOTE: We have a collective and complete guide for all Weapon, Gear & Mystical crates in all the locations of Once Human, make sure to check it out!
Let’s begin with the first crate and its exact location.
Crate # 1 (Gear Crate)
We are starting at the exact entrance of the facility. You can look at the map below to see exactly where you’ll need to be to find the first crate. The Coordinates are: BlackHeart Region (3338, -1242)

Start y taking your vehicle and riding all the way to the bottom of the road ramp.

When you reach the bottom, take a swift right and then straight.

Park next to the elevator in the parking left that’s to your left. Take the elevator and go up. You should eventually reach a floor that has two rooms, one to your left and one to your right. Enter the room that’s on your right.

When you enter, go into the room that’s on your left this time. The room will look like it is a dimly lit room with red lights. The room has the gear crate so it won’t be too long before you get your crate!

The gear crate should be sitting on a table in that room with sofas around the table. Go over there and collect the first crate!

Crate # 2 (Mystical crate)
Luckily, the next crate is very nearby, it may even be visible to you as you collect the first one. You can find the Mystical crate on the upper floor of the one you are currently on. All you have to do is go up the stairs. And follow the platform by taking a right.

The mystical crate should be sitting inside a bedroom behind an opened glass door. Time to go over and collect your loot.

Crate #3 (Weapon crate)
Exit the bedroom and take the stairs to the top.

When you go upstairs, take a left, go up a set of marble stairs and go outside.

Outside, you’ll see a lot of big containers.When you take a right turn, you should see the door to the facility straight ahead at the end of the path. Beside the doors, there is a narrow ramp that you can use to go up.

When you use the ramp to reach the top, go toward the road that has grass patches.

Keep going straight and when you reach the end with grass, jump over the patch of grass.

Jumping over should reveal a very narrow pathway to the other side.

Take this route to go to the other side and then turn left. Continue following the road until you see an open door.

When you enter the area, you’ll see a reception desk on the other end of the room. Behind the desk should be the weapon crate you’re looking for.

Head over to behind the desk and collect your loot! And that’s it for all the crate boxes available in White Cliff! If the loot isn’t enough for you and you’re craving some more adventure, check out how you can find All Mystical, Weapon & Gear Crates Location in the Junkyard to fill up on more awesome loot.