If you’re a Bastion main (like me) or Torbjorn main, then you are probably wondering why you can’t play as these two heroes in Overwatch 2. That’s because Bastion and Torbjorn are so unbelievably broken right now.
Bastion has a bug where his ultimate rains down a ton of artillery fire. Normally, it would be around three mortar strikes, but the bug lets you do an infinite number of mortars strikes until the timer runs out. As you can tell, this made a lot of Bastion fans happy, but non-Bastion players are enraged when they get rained down on.
For Torbjorn, his Overload ability works just as intended: he can run faster, do more damage, all the while receiving more damage at the same time. The problem there is that if players press the button at the right time, the Overload ability will last twice as long. Meaning Torbjorn will be running around one shotting people until someone blows air on him, since he’s weak at the same time.

Overwatch devs have gotten word of the whole thing and have moved in quick to fix them. While Bastion will be sidelined until his return, Torbjorn can still be played if players queue in to Quick Play. So, for those that were having fun with the bugs, looks like your time is up.
This whole thing just adds to the whole dumpster fire that is happening around Overwatch 2. With horrible waiting time for matchmaking and an apparent “auto-purchase” glitch, players are finding it hard to enjoy Overwatch 2 already as it is. Not to mention the controversy where you need to have a phone number registered to your Battle.net account, which is bad news for pre-paid phone owners.
Overwatch 2 is fun, it really is (if you can even play), but Blizzard is making it hard to enjoy the game when they do a lot of things that infuriates their fans. Overwatch 2 is still new, despite it being basically Overwatch 1 with a new coat of paint over it, so we can cut it some slack and give it some time to fix their issues. I mean, at least it’s not Marvel’s Avengers where game breaking bugs are still present to this day.
And I play that game daily! Let’s hope that Blizzard can put out the fires around this game, because it’s not having a good launch.
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